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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Issue 01/2015

64 Volume 1 | Issue 1/2015 Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Subsequently, local anesthesia was adminis- tered and the tooth was extracted. An implant was immediately placed into the extraction socket and no filler material or membrane was used.ImplantswithaZirTisurface(PremiumTG, Sweden & Martina, Due Carrare, Italy) were placed. A cover screw was placed on top of the implant and resorbable sutures were provided. Notemporaryprosthesiswasseated.Antibiotics (amoxicillin 875 mg and clavulanic acid 125 mg b.i.d. for six days) and analgesics if needed were prescribed and the patients were enrolled in a maintenance follow-up. A porcelain-fused-to- metal crown was provided to the patients ap- proximately three months after placement. An- other impression was taken 12 months after im- plantplacement(Time1 = T1). 2-D d igita l analysi s The casts obtained from the first and second impressions were digitalized using a 3-D laser scanner (Dental Wings 7Series, Montreal, Canada). The meshes (digital models) gener- ated in this manner were imported into 3-D elaborating mesh software (Geomagic Studio and Geomagic Qualify, Geomagic, Berlin, Ger- many) and cleaned of defects. The meshes were transformed from a sur- face to a solid. Subsequently, teeth surfaces that coincided on the meshes obtained from both casts were selected and the two digital models were superimposed, accepting values of average convergence distance of < 0.1 mm. The 2-D analysis was performed using the occlusal plane as the reference plane.7 From this reference, a perpendicular plane in the lin- gual– or palatal–vestibular direction (cross- section) was created and the two meshes su- perimposed were cut (Figs. 1 & 2). The grid used to section the meshes was made by taking the middle point of the vestibular marginal gingiva ofthe tooth to be extracted as thereferencepoint(0)andcreatingverticaland horizontal planes starting from that point: Volum etric 3 -D d igita l analysi s Figs. 1 & 2 The two meshes (red T0 and purple T1) superimposed together were cut seven times vertically and six times horizontally using a Python script for Rhinoceros. Fig. 3 A vertical 2-D cut was taken in the middle. In red is the section of the first mesh (T0) and in black the second mesh at (T1). The distance between two points was taken for the measurements in absolute values. Fig. 4 The width of the alveolar process was also measured. The red line represents the width at T0 and the blue line at T1. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4

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