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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Issue 01/2015

Volume 1 | Issue 1/2015 59Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Rem ova l of parti ally e ru pte d mandi bu lar thi rd mo lars Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, the presence ofvisiblethird molarswas associ- ated with a 50% increased probability of a PPD of > 5 mm at adjacent second molars.22 This finding has also been confirmed in a group of 5,831 young adults (18–34 years old) in the U.S.Third NationalHealth and Nutrition Exam- ination Survey, where the presence of visible third molars was associated with twice the probability of a PPD of > 5 mm at the adjacent second molars.1 Regarding postoperative events, only two patients in our study came to the clinic before suture removal because of postoperative pain. At this time, the extraction alveoli were rinsed with sterile saline and a prescription for stronger analgesics was given, but there was no need for any antibiotic prescription. This confirms the findings that the removal of third molars in younger subjects compared with older subjects decreases the risk of complica- tions; the age of 25 appears to be critical, after which complications increase more rapidly.8 It should be underlined that in our study the re- moval of third molars was performed by an ex- perienced dentist in this area of dentistry (ASP), who meticulously removed the plaque and calculus accumulated at the distal sites of the second molars. Conclusion In the presence of localized periodontal disease distal to second molars, early diagnosis, extrac- tion of the third molar and debridement at the distal site of the second molar were an effective treatment of localized periodontal disease, be- cause no additional surgical periodontal treat- mentwasneededatthesix-monthfollow-up. Competinginterests Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenocompeting interests. Acknowledgments This project was supported by grants #VGFOUSA-P-289301 and VGFOUSAP 152431 from the research and development unit for primary care and dental services, Southern Älvsborg County (Borås, Sweden). Co rre spo ndi ng au tho r : Dr. Giovanni Serino Department of periodontology Södra Älvsborg Hospital 501 82 Borås Sweden T +46 33 661 3750 F +46 33 616 1235 Anne-Sofie Pipkorn,* † Giovanni Serino,‡ † Alberto Turri§ ** & Maryam Mir Taramsari‡ * Department of oral surgery, Södra Älvsborg Hospital, Borås, Sweden † Research and development unit for primary care and dental services, Southern Älvsborg County, Borås, Sweden ‡ Department of periodontology, Södra Älvsborg Hospital, Borås, Sweden § Brånemark Clinic, Institute of Odontology, Gothenburg, Sweden ** BIOMATCELL VINN Excellence Center of Biomaterials and Cell Therapy, Gothenburg, Sweden 50182 Borås T +46336613750 F +46336161235

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