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Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Issue 01/2015

to identify mesenchymal cells (as positive con- trol).The immunohistochemical studywas done on an automatic immunostainer (Autostainer 480S, LabVision, Fremont, Calif., U.S.), usingthe micropolymer-peroxidase-based method fol- lowed by development with diaminobenzidine (Ultravision Quanto, Master Diagnóstica, Granada, Spain). A millimeter scale in the eye- piece of a BH2 microscope (Olympus Optical, Tokyo, Japan) with a 40× objective was used to count the number of positive cells and vessels permm². Statis tic a l a n a lys is The Shapiro–Wilk test was used to assess the normality of variables. After descriptive analy- sis, the Student’s t-test or Welch test for un- equal variances and the Spearman correlation coefficient (rho) were used to evaluate the sig- nificance of differences. Clinical, morphologi- cal and morphometric variables were com- pared between the presence and absence of OPN in cells and ABB particles using the Stu- dent’s t-test. A p < 0.05 was considered signif- icant. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows (Ver- sion 20.0; IBM, Armonk, N.Y., U.S.) was used forthe data analyses. Results Histological and histomorphometric results After six months, a normal woven and lamellar pattern of trabecular bone had formed throug- hout the graft in all patients who had received ABBplusACB(1:1)grafts,andbiopsiesfromthe augmentation area contained this trabecular bone in different proportions. Image analysis re- vealed 32.75 ± 14.0% vital bone, 39.49 ± 17.4% connective tissue, and 27.75 ± 21.8% remnant ABB particles (Fig. 1). ABB particles were de- tectable in the trabecular bone in a slightly smaller proportion than in the original graft. In the pristine bone, 48.93 ± 15.4% was vital bone and51.07 ± 20.8%connectivetissue. Immunohistochemical results OPNexpressionwasdiffusein77.5%(31/40)of ABB samples and focal in 22.5% (9/40); it was diffuse in 80% (8/10) of pristine bone samples and focal in 20% (2/10). The presence of OPN immunostaining on ABB particles was intense in 45% of maxillary sinus lift biopsies, moder- ate in 27.5%, mild in 10%, and absent in 17.5%; it was distributed within the lacuno-canalicu- Volume 1 | Issue 1/2015 45Journal of Oral Science & Rehabilitation Os teopon ti n e xpre ssi o n i n ano rgani c bovi ne bo ne Fig. 1 Trabecular bone formed throughout the ABB particles in a maxillary sinus lift biopsy (Masson’s trichrome stain, 10×). Fig. 1

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