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implants – international magazine of oral implantology

case report I devisinginnovativesolutions.With3-Dservicesbeing a major activity of DRSK, the company has been ap- proachedfor3-Ddesigningthemaxillofacialimplants of different kinds and successfully accomplished them. All these 3-D designed implants are highly cus- tomisedandfeaturegreataccuracyandthereforesat- isfybothsurgicalandmechanicalstandards. Patientcase One such recently carried out project that merits further elaboration is the design and manufacture of one-of-a-kind mandibular implant (Fig. 1) for recon- structing the missing mandible body (Fig. 2). The pa- tient,ayoungman,hadlosttheentiremandibleexcept fortheramiafterbeingseverelyinjuredinablast.Over theyears,thepatienthadundergoneseveralsurgeries withlittleimprovementsachieved.Inpointoffact,one consequence of those surgeries was the formation of fibrous scar tissues which, as will be explained in the following,exacerbatedthesituationandrestrictedthe chanceforaneffectivetreatment. At the time the surgical team contacted DRSK, the patient had already received a graft taken from his Fig. 3_Left and right segments of the implant were designed to be placed and screwed over the corresponding ramus. Fig. 4_At the front, left and right segments of the implant met and dovetailed into each other. Fig. 5_A temporary or surgical middle piece was designed to be placed over the left and right sections at the surgical session. Fig. 3 Fig. 5Fig. 4 RatioPlant® dental implant systems - the advanced way to care! HumanTech Germany GmbH Gewerbestr. 5 D-71144 Steinenbronn, Germany email: phone: +49.7157.5246.71 Distributors are welcome, please contact us under the address below: Made in Germany AD

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