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implants – international magazine of oral implantology

I research Fig. 8_Intraoral appliances are manufactured as strew splints in a dimension of 1.5 mm with extension to the first molars (complete dental arch). Fig. 9_Advanced horizontal alveolar bone atrophy in the mandible with small ridge, vestibular sloping plateau, proximity to n. alveolaris and small keratinized gingiva. Fig. 10_Securing implant planning (implant length, positioning, diameter and surgery) by DVT review (Cranium Bonn, Germany, 2014). Fig. 11_Interimplant distances of 7 mm at front and premolar sites with 11 mm in molars to safeguard vascularization and periimplant damage, assigned from prosthodontics. Surgery: Dr G. Kochhan. Fig. 12_Inadequate implant bone support with vestibular bony defect following tooth loss due to traumatic crossbite relationship in the left upper maxilla. Fig. 13_Initial setting (OPG) with combined vertical and lateral alveolar bone defect. Augmentation using sinus floor elevation (vertical) und BoneShield technique (lateral) with separate implant placement # 25, 26, 27. Fig. 14_Vertical implant bone defect # 16 as result of long-term periodontal damage (see Fig. 2). Prevention of sinus elevation by 3-D analysis with implant placement close to sinus. The primary objective is the decompensation of use-related dysfunctions to achieve relief, vascular- ization and mineralization of the alveolar bone prior to implant placement. Subsequent realization of the issues1–4ensuresdispensesofthehabitualusepat- terns after 4 to 6 weeks wearing. Due to hygiene and stabilization, the intraoral appliances are manufac- tured as strew splints in a dimension of 1.5 mm with extensionlimitedtothefirstmolars(Fig.8). _Digital imaging 3-D Digitization means information and safeness. The generation of a DVT in early implant planning harbors three vantages: – Commitment: The expenses of 120–180 EUR de- pending to extent, area of analysis and institute display a motivational factor ensuring consent with the treatment plan. Young patients and IT employeesaskforthebenefitof3-Dimagingdur- ing the first or second visit of implant planning to safeguard and minimize surgical implant place- ment. – Anatomy: Additional information about vicinity to N. alveolaris, extent of sinus maxillaris and anatomical septa, characteristics and mineral- ization of implant bone (following tooth re- moval) and implant positioning related to adja- cent teeth (Figs. 9 & 10). However, inclined DVT readings result in measurement errors up to 1 mm.5, 6 – Precision: The benefit of a time-intense 3-D im- plantevaluationisamoreprecise,controlledand risk-reduced planning, and eases surgical im- plant placement. These advantages should be utilized by all dental health care providers, even those with long-term clinical expertise. If you are not a DVT owner, oral surgeons (specialists) and diagnostic radiology clinics are appropriate contact addresses. Regard: For the intended 3-D image, always allocate the exact DVT area, details and viewer suitable for your PC software.TheexpensesbothoftheDVTandthedig- ital analysis and evaluation are subjects to private cash. 10 I implants3_2015 Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 14

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