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roots - international magazine of endodontology

Table 1_Cases of non-vital teeth in relation to sex, operator, and average observation period and time to follow-up radiograph. 08 I I studies _ comparison of three methods of therapy ditions because technical deficits (length, homo- geneity,unfilledcanals)leadtoahighAPrate.Intheir study, they mention that continuous development from 1976 to 1993 could not be verified. In 1973, 1983, 1993 and 2003, Frisk et al.16 exam- ined 500 patients each in order to determinepossible developments in endodontic performance. Over the years, RCF quality and quantity, especially in molars, increased. In contrast, RER quantity remained signif- icantly unchanged statistically (21.1–24.8%). Skudutyte-RysstadandEriksen17 observedtheen- dodontic status of 35-year-old patients from Oslo in Norwayoverthreedecades.In1973,18%(n=100)of the examined RCF teeth exhibited AP; in 1984, 26% (n = 133); in 1993, 38% (n = 42); and in 2003, 43% (n = 61). From 1984 to 2003, the percentage of ade- quate RCF lengths increased from 41% to 61%, whereas RCF quality (homogeneity) remained un- changed. Frisk and Hakeberg18 arrived at different resultsinevaluatingwomen’sdentalstatusin1968, 1980 and 1992. AP rate in endodontically treated teethremainedatalevelof41.9%from1968to1980, and decreased to 31.1% from 1980 to 1992. Eckerbom et al.19 observed an increase in RCTs from 13.9% to 17.7% within 20 years. Although RCF quality improved significantly, the diagnosis of AP in teeth that had undergone RCT increased from 17.3% to21.4%,and28.8%oftheteethhadtobeextracted. In 1984,2 5,148,000 canal preparations were per- formed in western Germany, and 7,882,000 in 20113, an increase of 53.1%. RCF procedures amounted to 4,287,000 in 1984 and to 6,195,000 in 2011, an in- crease of 44.5%. This shows that 83.3% of prepared canals were filled in 1984 versus 78.6% in 2011. The results of the various studies led Torabinejad etal.toremarkasfollows:20 “Theolderendodonticlit- erature recorded the highest overall quality rating and included the most high-level studies. Changes in treatmentthathaveoccurredovertimemayhavein- troduced biases favouring the discipline with the most recent papers.” Hepworth and Friedman21 stated in 1997 that the majorityoftheRERstudiesdonotreflectcurrentRER techniques,whichareusedintheprospectiveToronto study.22Accordingtothisstudy,74%of134RERcases couldbejudgedashealedand94%wereindicatedas “functional”. In the case of an inadequate RCF level (underfillingoroverfilling),thehealingresultof84% was more favourable than that of 68% with proper RCF levels. A tabular survey of 12 studies performed in 1968–1991 by simultaneous RCF and RER without post-RCFshowedahealingrateofbetween55%and 90% (average: 81% were successful and 7% failed), and another table of 22 RER studies performed in 1968–1995 with RER and retrograde RCF showed a healingrateofbetween43%and89%(average:59% were successful and 19% failed). Friedman23 found that a combination of or- thograde RCF and RER had a better prognosis of suc- cess than did a combined RER and retrograde RCF; however, he mentions this for academic interest only becauseofthehighsuccessofthecurrentRERmeth- ods. Essentially, alternative therapies have to be con- sidered for saving a tooth, one of which should be RER. Rudetal.24 comparedthetreatmentresultsof763 casesoforthogradegutta-perchaRCFwith237cases ofRERandretrogradeamalgamRCF.Afteronetoten years, the following radiographic findings were made: 83% complete healing, 8% incomplete heal- ing, 6% indeterminate findings and 3% failed after orthogradeRCF;comparedwith72%completeheal- ing,11%incompletehealing,8%indeterminatefind- ings and 9% failed after RER and retrograde RCF. Grung et al.25 compared the treatment outcomes of397casesofRERwith76casesofperiapicalcuret- tage after an average of 2.3 years. Complete healing of 78.3% was achieved with RER versus 78.9% with curettage.Inordertoobtainafailurerate,theauthors listed unsatisfying and uncertain healing in the fail- ure group. These failures amounted to 13.3% after RERandto5.2%aftercurettage,whilethoseafteror- thograde RCF (312 of 477) were lower (4.9%) than those after RER and retrograde RCF (27.9%). roots1_2015 Sex Operator Average observation period Average time to follow-up radiograph Follow-up rate Therapy Male Author n n % n % Years Years n % NsRCT 453 234 51.6 322 71.1 6.08 6.33 322 71.1 RER 524 287 54.8 301 57.4 5.27 5.02 353 67.4 TR 743 359 48.3 435 58.8 5.97 6.24 487 65.5 TOTAL 1,720 880 51.2 1.058 61.5 5.59 5.90 1,162 67.6 Table 1 In 1984,25,148,000 canal preparations were per- NsRCT 45323451.632271.16.086.3332271.1 RER 52428754.830157.45.275.0235367.4 TR 74335948.343558.85.976.2448765.5 TOTAL 1,72088051.21.05861.55.595.901,16267.6

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