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roots - international magazine of endodontology

I 37 new product technique _ shaping canals I roots1_2015 _Design features There are four tip sizes in the WaveOne GOLD sin- gle-file reciprocating system: Small (20.07, yellow), Primary(25.07,red),Medium(35.06,green)andLarge (45.05, white) (Fig. 1a), available in 21, 25 and 31mm lengths.Thevarioustipsizesandtapersaffordthecli- niciantheabilitytoclinicallyprepareawiderrangeof apicaldiametersandendodonticanatomycommonly encountered in daily practice.27 Canal preparations that have sufficiently tapered resistance form are ideal for irrigant exchange and removal of debris,28 thus promoting 3-D disinfection and filling of the root canal system. WaveOne GOLD has active cutting lengths of 16mm,shortened11mmhandlesforimprovedposte- rior access and the same expanding ISO colour-coded ABS ring as WaveOne, maintaining the philosophy of singleuse.Variableandreducingtapersensureamore conservativelyshapedcanalwithgreaterpreservation of tooth structure at D16, the coronal extent of the preparation(Fig.1b).Whiletheconceptsof“minimally invasive endodontics” lack documented and meaning- fulstudies,29 anyshapingobjectivethatremoveslessof the existing tooth structure while optimising efficient 3-D irrigation and obturation is a positive step in an efforttopreservetheintegrityofthenaturaltooth. The cross-section of WaveOne GOLD is a parallel- ogram with two 85-degree cutting edges in contact with the canal wall, alternating with a patented DENTSPLY off-centred cross-section where only one cutting edge is in contact with the canal wall (Fig. 2). Decreasing the contact area between the file and the canal wall reduces binding (taper lock) and, in con- junction with a constant helical angle of 24 degrees alongtheactivelengthoftheinstrument,ensureslit- tleornoscrewingin.Theadditionalspacearoundthe instrument also ensures additional space for im- proved debris removal. The tip of WaveOne GOLD (Figs. 3a & b) is ogival, roundly tapered and semi-ac- tive, modified to reduce the mass of the centre of the tipandimproveitspenetrationintoanysecuredcanal withaconfirmed,smoothandreproducibleglidepath. Collectively, these design features result in a re- ciprocating movement that is very smooth, eliminat- ing the need to push on the file, and thereby promot- ing safety and considerably improving cutting effi- ciency.Thisreducesshapingtimebyafurther19%in canals when compared with WaveOne.26 _Reciprocating movement WaveOne GOLD files are designed with a reverse cuttinghelix,engageandcutdentineina150-degree counter-clockwise (CCW) direction and then, before Fig. 7a_WaveOne GOLD procedural flow chart where a #10 hand file is able to establish length: confirm patency and verify the glide path. ProGlider will expand any confirmed, verified and reproducible glide path prior to the shaping procedure with the Primary file. (Rx: radiograph; AL: apex locator; IRI: irrigate, recapitulate and irrigate again). Fig. 7b_WaveOne GOLD procedural flow chart for more restrictive canals: use a #10 hand file in any region of the canal to create a glide path. ProGlider will expand any confirmed, verified and reproducible glide path. Fig. 7c_WaveOne GOLD procedural flow chart when the Primary file does not progress: use the Small file in one or more passes to working length and then use the Primary file to working length to optimise the shape. Fig. 7a Fig. 7b Fig. 7c

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