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roots - international magazine of endodontology

36 I I new product technique _ shaping canals WaveOne and RECIPROC file systems (reciprocating files) de- monstrateconsiderablyimproved mechanicalproperties,superiorto rotary files. While the cyclic fa- tigue properties of RECIPROC are superiortoWaveOne,theresistance to torsional failure of WaveOne is superior to RECIPROC.13,14 Overall, reciprocatingfilesaremoreresist- ant to fracture than are continu- ously rotating files,15 extrude less debris than do conventional mul- tiple-file rotary systems16 and eliminate bacteria from root canal systems as efficiently as rotary sys- tems.17 The shaping ability of reciprocating files is as good as and in many cases better than rotary files.18 Finally,itcanbeclearlystatedthatreciprocatingfiles do not induce dentine cracks.19 WaveOne and RECIPROC were designed as true single-use instruments that cannot be sterilised and re-used. The ISO colour-coded ABS ring on the handle expands if sterilised and the file will not fit intoitshandpiece.Singleuseisbasedonsoundsci- entific facts and common sense, as elimination of repeated use decreases the possibility of fracture due to both fatigue and torsional failure.20 The in- ability to consistently clean and sterilise used in- struments eliminates any concerns about cross- contamination,21 and disposal after single-patient use eliminates the cost of disinfecting, cleaning and sterilising, reducing costs overall.22 However, it should be understood and fully appreciated that a single reciprocating file performs the same task that would typically require three or more rotary NiTi files to accomplish. Logic dictates that single use is by far the best solution to reducing the inci- denceoffilebreakagewithallitsethical,emotional and malpractice ramifications. _New developments With today’s increased focus on minimally inva- sive endodontics23, the conclusions from the litera- ture and taking into account feedback from clini- cians using WaveOne since its introduction in 2011, four of the original opinion leaders involved in the initial development of the file, Drs Clifford Ruddle (US),SergioKuttler(US),WilhelmPertot(France)and JulianWebber(UK),workedincollaborationwiththe researchanddevelopmentteamatDENTSPLYinBal- laigues, Switzerland, to further improve the cutting efficiency and mechanical properties of the file and giveanewlevelofconfidencetothemanyclinicians stillwaryofautomatedtechniquesforshapingcanals. TheresultistherecentlaunchofWaveOneGOLD, anewgenerationofreciprocatingfilesofferingsim- plicity, safety and single use in shaping canals. _Advanced metallurgy WaveOne GOLD instruments are manufactured utilisinganewDENTSPLYproprietarythermalprocess, producing a super-elastic NiTi file. The gold process is a post-manufacturing procedure in which the ground NiTi files are heat-treated and slowly cooled. Fromatechnicalperspective,theheattreatmentmod- ifiesthetransformationtemperatures(austeniticstart and austenitic finish), and this has a positive effect ontheinstrumentproperties.24,25 Whilethisprocess gives the file its distinctive gold finish, more impor- tantly, it considerably improves its strength and flexibility far in excess of its predecessor. DENTSPLY internal testing has shown the following: the cyclic fatigueresistanceofWaveOneGOLDPrimaryis50% greater than that of WaveOne Primary (which itself was twice as great as most standard rotary file sys- tems), and the flexibility of WaveOne GOLD Primary is 80% greater than that of WaveOne Primary.26 Fig. 5_The new X-Smart iQ motor operated by the DENTSPLY iOS app downloaded on to an iPad mini 2 is a full digital solution with a cordless Bluetooth 8:1 reducing handpiece. Fig. 6_Summary of the WaveOne GOLD shaping technique: 80% of cases start and finish with the Primary file. At completion of shaping, gauging with hand files or inspecting flutes for debris confirms whether either the Medium or the Large file is needed. roots1_2015 Fig. 5 Fig. 6

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