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roots - international magazine of endodontology

12 I I studies _ comparison of three methods of therapy anterior mandible (19.4% and 15.2%, respectively). Leading in EX rate were the maxillary premolars with 20.6%,followedbythemandibularanteriorteethwith 16.4%,themandibularpremolarswith15.8%andthe maxillary anterior teeth with 12.3%. The incidence of acute exacerbation affected the total failure rate. There were 87 acute exacerbations (Failure1)—70(12.9%)afternsRCT,4(0.5%)afterRER and13(2.9%)afterTR—and61(70.0%)ofthesecases occurredwithin14daysofRCTandthelastafternine months. A statistically significant Failure 1 rate was observed after nsRCT overfilling (p = 0.020), but not after TR overfilling (p= 0.477). In 128 cases of nsRCT overfilling, 25 cases (19.5%) reacted with Failure 1, and this was observed for nine cases of 283 TR over- filling (3.2%). The Failure 2 rate was 14.4% after RER irrespective of the RCF level. An RCF level of 0 to –1 ended in a Failure 2 rate of 8.5% in nsRCT cases and 8.2%inTRcases.Furthermore,aFailure2ratewasdi- agnosedasfollows:13.6%ofnsRCTcasesand16.7% of TR cases after underfilling; 17.7% of nsRCT cases and 10.9% of TR cases after overfilling. Table3 StatisticalsignificancedependingontheRCFlevel couldnotbeprovenforFailure2forthethreetherapy types, although substantial underfilling (–5) and overfilling (+5) each led to a failure rate of 19% (8 of 42 and 25 of 131, respectively). Aggregation of Fail- ures1and2showedstatisticalsignificanceinthesur- vival analysis in relation to the RCF level for nsRCT only. Irrespective of the individual factors, the three therapytypeswereevaluatedregardingsurvivalwith consideration of the failure rate. Aggregation of Fail- ures 1 and 2 showed a p < 0.001 for RER and TR, re- spectively, versus nsRCT. Table4 Similar to the failure rate, statistically significant differences regarding the survival rate after five, ten and15yearsbasedonthetargetcriteriaforFailures1 and 2 were observed. The greatest survival rate after 15 years after an initial diagnosis of AP was in teeth treated with RER (76%). Teeth with an initial diagno- sis of no AP and treated with TR had the greatest sur- vival rate after 15 years (87.9%). Table5 The RCF quality (RCF-qu) of the material was checked in order to verify a possible influence on the failure rate. Based on this, 1,522 cases (88.5%) were allocatedtocategoryRCF-qu1(goodquality)and198 cases RCF-qu2 (poor quality). The relative number of RCF-qu2 failures was twice as high as RCF-qu1 fail- ures: _RCF-qu1:75cases(4.9%)wereconsideredFailure1 and117cases(11.4%)wereconsideredFailure2—no statistically significant difference. _RCF-qu2:12cases(6.1%)wereconsideredFailure1 and 32 cases (23.9%) were considered Failure 2— a highly statistically significant difference with p < 0.001. A survival comparison showed a correspondingly large difference in survival rate (p < 0.001) between RCF-qu1andRCF-qu2basedonthetargetcriteriafor Failures 1 and 2. Table6 The failure or lasting success of the various restorationtypeswasdemonstrated.Thebasisforthe analysis was the 1,162 cases with a follow-up radi- ograph: 668 filled teeth (57.5%) with 93 teeth (13.9%) considered Failure 2. 305 teeth with a crown but no cast post (26.2%) with 18 teeth (5.9%) con- sidered Failure 2, and 189 teeth with a crown and a cast post (16.3%) with 38 teeth (20.1%) considered Failure 2 (Fig. 4). Comparison between filled teeth and teeth with a crown without a post found a highly statistically sig- nificantdifferenceinsurvivalratewithp<0.001.This was p = 0.001 for comparison between teeth with a crown with a post and those without a post. No sta- tisticallysignificantdifferenceinthesurvivalratebe- tween filled teeth and teeth with a crown with a post was found (p= 0.507). Fig. 4_Survival according to quality of RCF (see Table 5). roots1_2015 Fig. 4

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