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CAD/CAM - international magazine of digital dentistry

technique _ veneering options I intensively debated in recent years. Both metal-based andall-ceramicframeworkmaterialscanwithstandin- traoralloading;theveneeringmaterialistheweaklink. Despite extensive research activities, chipping— or the partial delamination—of ceramic veneering materials is reported as the chief reason. Inadditiontotheoptionsdentalceramicsprovide, polymer-based materials should also be taken into considerationasanalternativematerialwhenfinish- ing options for frameworks are considered. Today, polymers are used in dentistry for a wide array of applications, in which their use ranges from impression materials to direct/indirect restorative materials.Theyareusedasdenturebasematerialsand for such standard components in implant dentistry as healing caps, impression transfer units, etc. By modifying their chemical composition and/ or adding filler particles to the microstructure, the physical properties and material characteristics of polymers can be adjusted to specifically meet the requirements of a given clinical application. Advancesinmaterialsciences Extensive research activities in recent years have ledtonewandimprovedmaterials—andentiregroups ofmaterials—thatreduceunwantedornon-beneficial properties and provide safe, easy-to-use (and easy- to-maintain) solutions. Ifcombinedwithhigh-strengthframeworkmate- rials such as titanium or zirconia, polymer veneering significantly reduces the overall cost of the restora- tion. Cost control, of course, must always be kept in mind,sincepatientexpectationsandfinancialmeans differ, clinical situations vary, and virtually every laboratory set-up is unique. _Presentation on state-of-the-art techniques and materials Thefollowingcasereportsfromsomeofourskilled partnercliniciansunderlinetheversatilityanddisplay the functional and aesthetic outcomes that can be achieved with the NobelProcera Software. _Case 1 Dr Ferdinando D’Avenia and Master Dental Technician Cesare Ferri of Parma, Italy, utilised a NobelProcera Implant Bridge Titanium veneered with acrylics to accommodate for the clinical situa- tion and the expectations of the patient. A 55-year-old male patient, suffering from bi- maxillary severe bone atrophy, presented with dis- Fig. 2_Milled NobelProcera Implant Bridge Titanium, custom designed to accommodate for material support and retention after veneering. Fig. 3_Screenshot of NobelProcera Software displaying the custom design options applicable in this case. Fig. 4_Following an intraoral assessment of the anticipated tooth set-up, which respected the functional and aesthetic requirements, a silicon rim was used to maintain acrylic denture teeth in position prior to injecting pink acrylic material. Fig. 5_Proper size, shape and colour of the latest generation composite denture teeth were selected, and minor manual superficial adaptations were performed without impairing the mechanical properties. I 37CAD/CAM 3_2015 Fig. 5 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Fig. 4

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