I 45 feature _ interview I cosmeticdentistry 2_2015 _Have you heard from colleagues in other parts ofthecountry,andifsowhatistheirsituation? Most of my dental colleagues are unharmed, but many of them are facing problems with their damaged clinics. Most of the dental hospitals in Kathmandu remained closed for several weeks owing to the damage and employees not being able to work because they are busy rebuilding their lives. Various agencies have estimated that more than eight million people across 39 of the country’s 75 districts have been affected by the earthquake. The most severely affected areas include the Bhaktapur, Dhading, Dolakha, Kathmandu, Kavre, Lalitpur, Nuwakot, Ramechhap, Rasuwa, and Sin- dhupalchowk districts of Nepal’s Central Region, as well as the Gorkha District of its Western Region. _Have you received any correspondence from thedentalcommunity? Iamgladtohavereceivedmanye-mailswithbest wishes and prayers from our dental friends around the world. It is so gratifying to know that many of them have pledged their support of the earthquake victims of Nepal. Some dental manufacturers have shown keen interest to help us in the rehabilitation of children who have been affected. _Despite an immediate response from India and Western countries, relief efforts seem to be insuffi- cient,accordingtoreports.Whatisyourimpression? International communities have offered imme- diate support and we really appreciate their help. However, 39 of the most affected villages are in remote locations withmountainousterrain.Therelief work, therefore, is hampered and support items cannot be delivered ontime.Manypeopleinthesesmall villages were waiting for basic items, such as food and shelter. Regardless of the efforts by the Nepalesearmy,policeandRedCross Society, as well as national and international organisations, which were working 24/7, the manpower and supplies were still inade- quate. _In your opinion, how will this disasteraffecttheinfrastructureof yourcountryinthelongrun? Nepal’s development budget depends mainly on foreign aid. Rebuilding all the infrastructure affected by the earthquake will re- quire an estimated US$200 billion. The government plans to meet this mainly through foreign and international funding. However, damaged infrastructure will definitely affect the economic growth of Nepal negatively. When I will be able to start practising again depends on when all my staff are mentally ready for work. Daily life in Kathmandu is still very stressful, astherearefrequentaftershocks and people were still terrified. Under these conditions, I do not expectpeoplewillcomeforgen- eral dental treatment, except in the case of an emergency. _What do you consider the most important to improve your situation, and how can the in- ternational dental community help? More than 95 per cent of houses and infrastruc- ture have been damaged in the affected villages, so the rehabilitation phase for the earthquake vic- timsisgoingtobeagreatchallengeforourcountry. I personally feel that in order to overcome this dif- ficulttimeourcountryneedssupportfromeachin- dividual and professional in Nepal. We have, there- fore, started a humanitarian project, the Dental CommunityforHumanity—NepalEarthquakeRelief Project, under the umbrella of the Punyaarjan Foundation, a charitable and non-profit organisa- tion dedicated to supporting people most in need. This project aims to support poor children living in these remote villages in particular. I humbly appeal to the international dental community to support thiscause.Please,withyourdonationsandsupport, we can bring back the smiles of our poor children. _Thank you very much for taking the time and allthebestforthefuture. Dr Sushil Koirala For more information on how to support the Dental Community for Humanity project, please contact Dr Koirala at drsushilkoirala@gmail.com.