42 I I opinion _ significance of teeth dental arch. If the tooth is located vestibular from the dental arch, the characteristic is significant. If the tooth is located orally, is displaced beyond the adjacent teeth, is in anterior cross- bite or is missing, the characteristic is repressed. Large areas affected by caries, dental fillings, and pulpless teeth are equally negatively as- sessed. Central incisors repre- sent the male and female figures: the father, the right maxillary central in- cisor; and the mother, the left maxillary central inci- sor (Fig. 5). People with a prominent left maxillary central incisor (this tooth often overlaps the right one) had and often still have in their adulthood a much stronger maternal influencethanpaternalin- fluence during their lives (Fig. 6). Once one is aware of this, one will observe that this is very common. The opposite (a stronger influence of the father) is in the minority (Fig. 7). If both of the incisors are aligned symmetrically, it signifies the balanced influence of both parents. An example from real life: Figure 8 shows the frac- ture of both central in- cisors. It was ultimately necessary to extract the left incisor owing to a root fracture. The patient’s parents divorced and she was given over to the care of her father by the court and her sibling to her mother.Thus,shelosthermotherandsymbolically tooth #21. Iusuallyseediastemas(Fig.9)inpatientswhose parents may live together, but who essentially lead separate lives. Patients with diastemas usually have difficulties in their relationship with a part- ner. Of course, one does not usually gain such cosmeticdentistry 2_2015 Fig. 15a Fig. 15b Fig. 14a Fig. 14b Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Canines Our outward presentation of ourselves Our inner attitude to change What we wish to achieve outwardly Expression of our inner transformation All changes a person has undergone Fig. 16 Fig. 17