I 29 case report _ restoration of endodontically treated teeth I cosmeticdentistry 2_2015 addition to the fibreglass pin, a compound resin is used to model the radicular conduit with the objec- tive of reducing the space that would be filled by the resin cement. In this way, the combination of two restorative materials (pin and compound resin) will serve and behave biomechanically as a replacement of the dentine structure lost.4 Anatomical pins have an extremely favourable prognosis in cases of fragile roots due to loss of dentine structure and they contribute significantly to the rehabilitation of the tooth in terms of both masticatory function and aesthetics.5 In addition, the fibreglass pins have a more uniform distribution of tension in the occlusal and radicular regions compared with metal pins.6 Etching and silanisation of the pins are of the utmost importance for pro- motinginterfacialadherence,especiallyintheregion prepared for the core.7,8 This study reports on a clinical case that demon- strates the preparation technique for the anatomical pin, using fibreglass pins and compound resin, in a maxillary central incisor with weakened roots, with Fig. 8 Fig. 9 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 11Fig. 10