22 I I case report _ adhesive restorations _Figs. 9–11 General views summing up the therapeutic approach and the clinical procedures carried out under a rubber dam. The aesthetic integration is facilitated by the application of a concept of bi-laminar stratification, easy to implement and predictable, ideal for the treatment of aesthetic deficiencies of the young smile. _Figs. 12 & 13 Preoperativeextraandintraoralviewsofayoung patient showing a hypoplasia of anterior teeth. _Figs. 14 & 15 Wax-up and intraoral resin model according to thewax-upusedtoconfirmtheaestheticandfunc- tional configuration planned on models. _Figs. 16 & 17 Intraoperative views and restorative procedures underarubberdaminordertocontrolthequalityof the bonding and its longevity. View of the proximal dentine set-up on the 12. _Figs. 18 & 19 View at the end of the first session showing the new anatomy of the four incisors transformed by direct technic (dentin: Body i2, effect shade: Azur, enamel: Skin White, inspiro). _Figs. 20–22 Final extra and intraoral views and after two years. The direct approach, without reparation, represents an unequaled therapeutic advance for theaesthetictreatmentofyoungpatientsandofthe smile without any other form of pathology._ Author’s statement: The author declares having taken part in the development of the product used to carry out the two cases presented in this article but hasn’t received anyfeesorroyaltiesforthiswork. Editorial note: A complete list of references is available fromthepublisher. cosmeticdentistry 2_2015 Didier Dietschi,DMD,PhD, Privat-Docent.Senior lecturer, Department of Cariology & Endodontics,School of Dentistry,University of Geneva, Switzerland.Adjunct Professor, Department of Comprehensive Care,CaseWestern University, Cleveland,Ohio.Private practice & Education Center—The Geneva Smile Center,Switzerland. The Geneva Smile Center 2 Quai GustaveAdor 1207 Geneva Switzerland cosmeticdentistry _about the author Fig. 22 Fig. 21 Fig. 20