I 15 special _ Digital Smile Design I cosmeticdentistry 2_2015 dict the future position of the lips and vestibules (Fig. 19). _Mapping of the micro-aesthetics (intra-oral): the iconography of the analysed face includes the study of photographs taken with lip retractors in place (micro-aesthetics). The focus of this type of image is the close-up of the mouth, the details of whicharerelativetoandparameterisedaccording to the horizontal and vertical lines traced on the patient’sface.Ourvirtualprojectwillcentreonthe occlusal plane ideally parallel to the bi-pupillary plane,andthemainverticallines(i.e.themedianof the face, inter-incisal of the teeth, subnasal area, etc.). The intra-oral mapping is thus a simple magnifi- cation of what has already been traced on the face. In practice, on our computer desktop, we will have a map in which there are very distinct regions, including outlines, ridges and depressions charac- teristic of the dento-facial morphology. _At this point, all we have to do is to start tracing lines (outlines; Figs. 11a & b in Part I) on the intra- oral photographs, passing over the gingival mar- gins, papillae, and interproximal margins of the central incisors, lateral incisors and canines (Digi- tal Dental Design). In order to achieve a symmetri- caldrawing,thelinesandcontoursoftheteethcan be duplicated to create a mirror image. In this way, itispossibletoobtainthepositioningoftheforms on the contralateral teeth. Among the lines used, it is very important to insert a line corresponding to the ideal aesthetic curve, which will have a value directly proportional to the position of the occlusal plane. _Paste or overlay the images taken from the Dental Digital Photo Database or model a filling of the outlines. In many cases, it is not strictly necessary to draw the teeth, since often the images of the teeth are copied, shaped, moved and positioned onthedentalarch(DigitalDentalCalibratedTrans- position). _Position the teeth by reducing the opacity to place them with greater visibility in the desired posi- tions. Opacity enables one to better visualise the underlying images when using tools for the su- perimposition of images, is an option in all photo- graph-editingsoftwareandcaneasilybeadjusted in percentage. _Adapt and proportion the teeth in space (dimen- sion and alignment) by using the images rendered semi-transparent by adjusting opacity compara- ble to the previous opacity (Fig. 18d). _Save the images where the transparency level enables us to calculate it as a superimposition (Figs. 20a & b), where the points of departure and Figs. 21a–c_Close up of the dental arches and ADSD. Figs. 22a & b_Implementation of ADSD CAD. Fig. 22b Fig. 21cFig. 21a Fig. 21b Fig. 22a