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today Chicago Midwinter Meeting Feb. 27

exhibitors16 Chicago Midwinter Meeting — February 27, 2015 By Planmeca USA Staff n What if dentists could capture inter- proximal caries and more extraorally? The Planmeca ProMax S3 makes this achievable with the anatomically accu- rate extraoral bitewing program, pos- sible only with patented SCARA (selec- tively compliant articulated robotic arm)technology. These extraoral bitewings elimi- nate gagging and capture a greater number of surfaces for better caries detection versus intraoral modali- ties*andareespeciallyusefulforper- iodontal patients, children, elderly patients, claustrophobic patients, patients with special needs, patients who gag or patients in pain. ProMax’s extraoral panoramic bitewings consist of two bitewing images that are focused to expose interproximal contacts and mag- nified for higher resolution. These images show details from premolar to third molar areas, including parts of the maxilla, mandible and rami. They are also useful in the place- mentoftemporaryanchoragedevices (implant abutments) in certain treat- ments. This captures more clinical data (lateral to third molar) and consistently opens interproximal contacts better than most intraoral methods. All of this comes without the challenges of sensor placement, the changing of sensor sizes, disinfection and equipment maintenance, helping clinical procedures run quicker and smoother than ever before, according to the company. The ProMax S3 also offers innova- tive features for compliance with the ALARA radiation safety principle. Its unique autofocus feature signifi- cantly reduces retakes, while adjust- able kV and mA settings, as well as horizontalandverticalsegmentation, provide the tools to limit radiation based on clinical need. The unit is software-driven for upgradability, from advanced 2-D imaging programs to cephalome- try, one-shot cephalometry, digital impression and cast model scanning, Proface 3-D facial photos and 3-D imaging. All of the units include open- architecture Planmeca Romexis, a versatile software suite designed to support optimal imaging workflow and usability at chairside. * According to “Efficacy of ProMax Bite- wingsvs.IntraoralBitewings.”Foracopyof this study, contact Planmeca USA. Planmeca ProMax S3: Capture interproximal caries extraorally Here in Chicago To learn more about the Planmeca ProMax S3, visit the company’s booth, No. 2602, call (855) 245-2908 or visit 5 The Planmeca ProMax S3. (Photo/ Provided by Planmeca) Ad

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