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today Pacific Dental Conference Mar. 05

exhibitors10 Pacific Dental Conference — March 5, 2015 n Shofu Dental Corp. is holding product demonstrations at booth No. 1304, featuring its injectable hybrid restorative, BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus, now available in tips. Dentists will now have this preferred flowable in their fingertips. Also, make sure to visit the many lectures featuring BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus, including Dr. CarlaCohn,Dr.JackGriffin,Dr.George Freedman and Dr. Brian Novy. Each willprovidehisorherowntakeonthe hybrid material. BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus combines hybrid-like strength and functional- ity, unique handling and stack ability and a flowable delivery. Additionally, the material has 15 percent more radi- opacity than enamel and offers the benefitoffluoridereleaseandrecharg- ability. Those interested in seeing the material firsthand are encouraged to come check it out at the Shofu booth. According to Shofu, BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus represents the next step in the evolution of restorative materials basedonitsconvenientflowabledeliv- ery system and physical properties and functionality that rival leading hybrid composites. Unlike other flowables, BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus has stay-put handling and physical properties that allow use on the occlusal surface and marginal ridge, eliminating the need to pack a hybrid composite on top. A flowable base, liner and final restorative material, BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus is approved for all indica- tions (Class I–V). With a smooth, self-leveling consistency, the material leaves a tight marginal seal on the bottom and a smooth, ready-to-polish surface on top. Moreover, Shofu’s pro- prietary S-PRG (surface pre-reacted glass) technology provides sustained fluoride release and recharge that can’t be found in any other composite material. BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus is available in two distinct viscosities. F00 (zero flow) offers precision stacking, and F03 (low flow) is an ideal base/liner. BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus is available in two introductory kits. The stan- dard kit (PN 2000S) offers two 2.2- gram syringes of both viscosities in shades A2 and A3, and the pedo kit (PN 2000P) offers two 2.2-gram syringes in both viscosities in shades A1 and bleach white. Both kits also contain samples of Shofu’s top-sell- ing products, including the seventh- Leading hybrid injectable also now in tips Here at the PDC To learn more about BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus, now available in tips, visit booth No. 1304 (Shofu Dental Corp.) in the Exhibit Hall. And when you buy two BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus Tips at the booth, you get one at no charge. Attend today’s sessions •CarlaCohn,DMD,presents“Practical Pediatric Dentistry for the General Practitioner and their Assistants” to- day from 8:30–11 a.m. in VCC West, Room 211. • Jack Griffin Jr., DMD, presents “Let’s Grow Tooth: Excellent Clinical Dent- istryusingBioactive/RegenerativeMa- terials” today from 1:30–4 p.m. in VCC West, Room 119/120. • George Freedman, DDS, presents “In- novations: Diagnostics, Restorations & Implants” today from 8:30–11 a.m. in VCC West, Room 208/209. generation bonding agent BeautiBond, One Gloss, Super Snap and Shofu’s hybrid material, BEAUTIFIL II. The kit retails for $102.25 (a $160 value). Also available in shades B1, B2, and C2 in both viscosities StopbytheShofubooth,No.1304,to see BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus for yourself for a product demo, or for more infor- mation, call (800) 827-4638 or visit (Source: Shofu Dental Corp.) n A patient asked for the option to save herteeththatwerescheduledforextrac- tion by another dentist. The lower–left firstandsecondmolarshadhighmobility (grade 2), were necrotic, with significant probing depths in the buccal aspect. Theteethwerediagnosedforendo–perio treatment. Difficulties with this case included complex radicular anatomy, long anatomical measurements (26 and 27 mm, respectively, for #36 and 37) and the presence of a deep vertical bone loss in the buccal aspect. After scaling and root planning, the teeth were scheduled forroot–canaltherapy. Before each treatment, the Photon Induced Photoacoustic Streaming (PIPS™) technique was applied into the periodontal pockets of each tooth for refining the debridement, removal of biofilmfromtherootsurfacesandpocket disinfection. The root–canal treatments were performed using PIPS–specific irrigationprotocolswith5percentNaOCl and17percentEDTA. Thecanalswereobturatedwithaflow- able resin sealer (Endoreze, Ultradent, South Jordan, Utah) and gutta–percha points. A final treatment of the pock- ets using PIPS for disinfection was per- formed after completing each root canal therapytoremoveanyextrudedsealeror residual biofilm. No post–op symptoms were reported and the mobility of the teeth progressively disappeared up to grade0.Thefollow-upX–raysperformed after one and four months showed heal- inginprogressforboththeteeth. LightwalkerATlaserdevicewithcon- tact H14–C handpiece and PIPS fiber tip wasusedforthetreatment. Lightwalkerparameters: •Lasersource:Er:YAG; •Wavelength:2940nm; •Pulseduration:SSP; •Energy:15mJ; •Frequency:15Hz. Disclosure: Dr. Olivi has relationships with several laser companies (including AMD- DENTSPLY, Biolase and Fotona) but receives no financial compensation for his research or for writingarticles. Editor’snote:Seerelatedarticleonpage8 PIPStechniqueusedinendodonticstreatment By Prof. Giovanni Olivi, MD, DDS University of Genoa, Italy About the author Dr. Giovanni Olivi is an adjunct professor of endodontics at the Uni- versity of Genoa School of Dentistry and a board memberandprofessorin its master course in laser dentistry. He completed the postgraduate laser course at the University of Firenze and received laser certification from the International SocietyforLasersinDentistry.Heearned advanced proficiency mastership from theAcademyofLaserDentistryandisthe 2007 recipient of ALD’s Leon Goldman Award for Clinical Excellence. He has a private practice in endodontics, restora- tive and pediatric dentistry in Rome. He  Fig. 1: Pre–op, before the PIPS treatment.  Fig. 2: Post–op, after PIPS treatment  Fig. 3: One month post–op  Fig. 4: Four months post–op Here at the PDC You can learn more about Photon Induced Photoacoustic Streaming and the Lightwalker AT laser device at the National Dental Inc. booth (No. 1229) in the Exhibit Hall.  Buy two BEAUTIFIL Flow Plus Tips and get one at no charge. (Photo/Provided by Shofu Dental Corp.) ▲ ▲ (Photos/Provided by Dr. Giovanni Olivi)

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