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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

I events _Thescienceattheheartofperiodontologyand dental therapy will be the focus for thousands of delegates travelling to London's ExCeL Centre this June 3–6, 2015, for the 8th EuroPerio8 congress, held every three years. Over 100 of the world's leading in- ternational researchers, clinicians and oral health specialists have been commissioned by the organis- ers of this global periodontology conference to de- liver an impressive programme aimed at imparting thecurrentknowledgeinthefieldsofperiodontology and implant dentistry. _The event’s programme This is a carefully conceived programme offering cutting edge updates in such areas as reconstructive surgery,periodontalregeneration,bioengineeringand the vital links between periodontal disease and condi- tions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It is balanced by many presentations on basic information for clinicians, hygienists and members of the wider medicalcommunity.Indeed,GPsaretargetedinaspe- cial section on ‘Practical Periodontics’. Prevention, pa- tientmanagement,aetiologyandoralmicrobiologyare covered. Emphasis is also placed on patient perspec- tives—a key area for periodontology as technology in- creases patient comfort and practitioners embrace multidisciplinary approaches. Also covered is peri-im- plantitis and presentations focusing on the aetio- pathogenesis and therapies of this major downside of implanttherapyareexpectedtodrawhugeaudiences. _Compulsary for followers of oral care EuroPerio8ScientificChairmanProf.MarianoSanz is calling on all followers of oral care, even those out- sidedentistry,toattendtheevent:"Ithinkthatanybody interested in oral science and the evolution of dental therapy should come to London for EuroPerio8. This is a three-day conference which takes place only every threeyearsanditwillcovereverythingwenowknowin 2015fromthemostbasicconceptstothemostrecently mastered sophisticated surgical procedures and re- constructivetechniques." "We will cover the whole scope of perio, from the simplewaystotreatperiodontaldiseaseforthegeneral practitioner, how the whole oral team should interact in treating and managing periodontal patients and, very importantly, how periodontal diseases can affect “We are planning to be the best and biggest EuroPerio to date” 44 I implants2_2015 [PICTURE: ©QQ7]

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