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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

I industry Fig. 3_Printed jaw model with high-definition tooth, root and nerve canal anatomy rendered in contrasting materials and colours. Fig. 4_Avi Cohen in the interview. 3-Dprintingtakestheefficienciesofdigitaldesign to the production stage. By combining oral scanning, CAD/CAM design and 3-D printing, dental laborato- ries can accurately and rapidly produce crowns, bridges,stonemodelsandarangeoforthodonticap- pliances.Witha3-Dprinterdoingthehardwork,den- tal laboratories eliminate the bottleneck of manual modelling and help the business grow. For those ea- ger for the day when everything from scheduling to finished restorations can be achieved digitally and automatically, the future is here. _Anditcouldprobablyenhancequalityforpeople who cannot afford or do not have access to this kind oftreatment. Correct!Thosearemythoughtsexactly.Letustake, for example, the production of a digital denture. A printedfulldenturewouldbesocheap.Thedigitalfile is saved, so that instead of €500 it would cost €50. Should you lose your denture, you could just call the dentist,gotohisorherpracticeandyournewdenture would be ready. It would be similar to glasses: today theyaresocheapthatyoucanbuyglassesfor€5and change them every day. With dentistry, it will be like this one day. Okay, I broke my denture; I want a new one with even brighter teeth. Have it printed in the dental office and come back in an hour and put it in. _Do you think there might even be a kind of tooth fashion?Maybewearingadifferentsetofteethforan eveningout? That is a funny idea. For going to a club, you could have a brilliant set of teeth; for Halloween, you could wearvampireteeth—youcouldselectthetypeofteeth just as you want. That definitely could be possible. _Thewearortheabrasionofprosthesesisconsid- ered to be a difficult matter. At the moment, implant prosthesesaremadeofverystrongandhardmaterial. However,Prof.DanielEdelhoff,forexample,promotes thenotionthatthecrownshouldwearwithinaperiod offourorfiveyearsandthenbereplaced,becausehe considersittobemorenaturalandmoreprotectivere- garding the natural dentition. Do you see an advan- tageinthisrespectwithprintedmodels? You can definitely control the softness. You can alsocontrolthatonlythetopocclusalareawillbesoft, andyoucancontrolhowlongitwilllast,twoyearsor ten.Thisis,ofcourse,intheoryinthefuture.Also,the priceisgoingtobesomuchaffordable,aswesaidear- lier. You could have different types of dentures at home; for example, if you want to eat peanuts tonight, just put in the appropriate unit; if you want todrinksoup,putinthesoftone. WhatIlikeaboutthe Objet260DentalSelection3-Dprinteristhatitcreates newpossibilities.PeoplecomeupwithideasthatIhad neverthoughtof.Theyapproachuswithsuggestions forprintinginnewdirectionsthatourdevelopershad not even thought of. This is not just a machine; it is a dreammachine,atool.Fromthis,youcangoinanydi- rection you want to. _So, it brings engineering directly to the people whoreallyneedtoworkwithit? Correct!Itbringsengineeringandinnovation,new ideasandmaybesomeintellectualpropertiesofwhat this should look like to dentists and laboratories, def- initely. Thank you very much for the conversation. 34 I implants2_2015

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