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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

I case report Fig. 1_Preoperative view of the lesion. Fig. 2_Preoperative radiograph. Fig. 3_Debridement of the lesions. Fig. 4_DFDBA graft placement. _Radicular cysts are the most common (52–68per cent) cystic lesions affecting the jaw.1 They are commonly found at the apices of involved teethandsometimeslateraltoaccessoryrootcanals. They are a direct sequel of chronic periapical infec- tion.1 Most of them are asymptomatic and are dis- covered when periapical radiographs are taken of teeth with non-vital pulps. Patients often complain ofslowlyenlargingswellings.Radiographically,most radicular cysts appear as round or pear-shaped unilocular radiolucent lesions in the periapical re- gion. The cyst may displace adjacent teeth or cause mild root resorption.2 The following case report presents the successful treatment of radicular cysts using autologous pe- riosteumandplatelet-richfibrin(PRF)withdeminer- alised freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA). _Case Report A 17-year-old female patient reported to the De- partment of Periodontics, HKES’s S. Nijalingappa In- stitute of Dental Sciences and Research, Gulbarga, India, with a chief complaint of pain, swelling ongo- ing and pus discharge in the lower anterior region sincetwomonths.Pasthistoryrevealedtraumainthe lower anterior region five years ago with recurrent swelling and pus discharge. On intraoral examination, inflamed and swollen gingivawasseeninrelationto41,42,and43(FDIno- tation). A draining fistula was seen on the labial as- pect in relation to 41 (Fig. 1). 42 had grade I mobility, whereasnomobilitywasnoticedwith31,41,and43. A pulp vitality test was negative with 41, 42, and 43, while adjacent teeth showed normal response. Peri- odontal probing depth was ≤ 3mm for concerned teeth,andnoclinicalattachmentlosswasseen.They were also painless on vertical percussion. On radi- ographic examination, two radiolucent areas of size approximately 2 x 2 mm were seen in relation to 41, 42, and 43 (Fig. 2). No root resorption was seen. The treatment plan comprised of endodontic treatment of non-vital teeth followed by surgical enucleation of cystic lesions if necessary. The treat- ment plan was explained to the patient, and a writ- teninformedconsentwasobtained.Inthesamevisit, root canal treatment was started under rubber dam application followed by working length determina- Treatment of an unusual presentation of radicular cysts Author_Dr Manthan Desai, India 18 I implants2_2015 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4

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