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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

I case report Figs. 1–3_The clinical examination found a mesial rotation of implant #16 of approximately 10 degrees and implant mobility. The radiograph showed bone resorption around implant #16 (4.7 mm × 8 mm) of 2 mm distally and around implant #15 (4.1 mm × 8 mm) of 1 mm mesially. _Implant failures occur regularly and are thus part of everyday practice. Manufacturers claim suc- cessratesabove99percent.Asexperiencehasshown, however, such rates seldom correlate with practice. They are perfect for marketing purposes, but do not give any feedback about the true reason for implant failure. Often, data from independent studies is lack- ingoranalysisfromthemanufacturerisclassified.1–9 First, it is necessary to define implant failure in therapy. Since the principle of osseointegration has been established for many years, implant healing nowadays is expected to simply be successful. How- ever,implanttherapyisonlyreasonableifitisconsid- eredtobesuperiortoconventionaltherapies,suchas bridgework and dentures, in each specific case. Im- planttherapyshouldbeappliedonlyiflong-termsta- bilityisguaranteedandhighercomfort,aswellassu- perior aesthetics, can be achieved. If we consider whichofthesefactorscanberealizedinpractice,suc- cess rates of implant therapy are often lower than claimedbymanufacturers. Regarding the success of implant therapy, practi- tioners bear a major responsibility: tissue quality and quantity, implant positioning, prostheses, surgical protocols,mouthhygieneandsurgicaltechniquesen- danger the success of therapy if performed wrongly. Besides all these factors, we as practitioners have to trust that the product has been accurately manufac- turedwithoutdeficiencies,impuritiesorfaults.Thisis exactly the issue we want to control and analyse. As recent studies have shown, numerous implants lack accuracy and harbour surface impurities. Such find- ings, combined with specific clinical situations, raise thelogicalquestionsofifandhowfailuresinproduc- tionprocessesinfluenceosseointegration. Dental implants are manufactured workpieces; thus,faultsanddefectsdooccur.Suchincidencescan Quality of implant surfaces and deficient osseointegration Part I: Deficient implant surfaces and production processes Author_Dr Nikolaos Papagiannoulis 14 I implants2_2015 Fig. 1 Fig. 3Fig. 2

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