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cone beam – international magazine of cone beam dentistry

I research _ treatment of maxillary radicular cysts _Introduction Taking into consideration the active lifestyle of most of our working patients with maxillary odon- togenic radicular cysts, such patients require more minimallyinvasiveinterventionsthatwillnotdisturb their usual activities, can be provided in outpatient departments(donotrequirehospitalization),donot lead to typical post-operative complications, do not require additional antibacterial load, and do not disturb the natural contour of the soft periodontal tissue in operated area, leading to postoperative aesthetic complications. With new treatment ap- proaches, such as using autologous plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF-Endoret, BTI Biotechnology Institute), and the development of the Minimally Invasive Surgical Technique,1 there is opportunity for modification of the standard approaches to the treatment of odontogenic radicular cysts, retaining thebasicprinciples,butminimizingtheinvasiveness of such an operation. Using modern approaches, in- cluding different types of surgical incisions for pre- dictablepreservationofperiodontalsofttissuepost- operatively, cyst cavity preparation with modern devicesandchoiceofsuturingtechnique,itispossi- bletominimizethetypicalpost-operativecomplica- tions,themedicationloadandpost-operativegingi- valrecession.Theuseofautologousplasmahasbeen explored in periodontology and maxillofacial sur- gery.Sinceithasahighconcentrationofbiologically active factors and can be used in different forms (liquid, membrane, clot), it can be used in surgeries, includingonbonetissue.Basedondataontheeffect of autologous plasma on inflammatory response, stimulationofosteogenesisandtissueregeneration according to the biological pathway, studies today continue to make supporting findings for the use of autologousplasma.Inaddition,theuseofultrasonic devices in dentistry is widespread and ultrasonica- tion can be used during surgery on bone tissue. Table 1_Patient division into groups according to type of preoperative preparation. Interdisciplinary approach to treatment of maxillary radicular cysts: Minimization of surgical invasiveness and medication load Authors_ Prof. Galyna Biloklytska, Dr Vasyl Rybak, Dr Iuliia Braun & Dr Ievgen Fesenko, Ukraine 30 I cone beam2_2015 GROUP Age (years) Sex (F/M) Place of operation Preoperative preparation Endodontic treatment Anti-inflammatory, anti-oedematous therapy Main 24–55 2 F, 1 M DSPMC, Kyiv Regional Endodontic root canal treatment with 3 days before: (3 patients) Clinical Hospital _ProTaper _Nimesulid powder 100 mg (o.d.) _AH Plus _Loratadinum 0.01 mg (o.d.) Control 1 24–55 3 F, 2 M DSPMC, Kyiv Regional Endodontic root canal treatment with 3 days before: (5 patients) Clinical Hospital _Foredent (SpofaDental) _Nimesulid powder 100 mg (o.d.) _Endomethasone N (Septodont) _Loratadinum 0.01 mg (o.d.) _phosphate cement Control 2 24–55 2 F, 2 M Other city policlinics Endodontic root canal treatment with None (4 patients) _Foredent _Endomethasone _phosphate cement Control 3 24–55 2 F, 2 M Other city policlinics Endodontic root canal treatment with None (4 patients) _Foredent _Endomethasone _phosphate cement Table 1 Main 24–552 F, 1 M DSPMC, Kyiv Regional Endodontic root canal treatment with 3 days before: Control 124–553 F, 2 M DSPMC, Kyiv Regional Endodontic root canal treatment with 3 days before: Control 224–552 F, 2 M Other city policlinics Endodontic root canal treatment with None Control 324–552 F, 2 M Other city policlinics Endodontic root canal treatment with None

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