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today Ontario Dental Meeting 07 May

opportunity14 2015 ASM — May 7, 2015 AD Earn U.S. green card via investment n New global business opportunities for health care and other professionals have expanded to include the United States, where immigrants are respected as builders of the American dream. Den- tal Equities, a business-support-services company for dentists and other profes- sionals, strategically invests in patient anddentistfinancing,dentalnewsmedia, technology, management and similar dentistry-relatedprojects.Ithaslaunched the “Arrive. Strive. Thrive.” program, which helps people from around the globetoinvest,liveandworkintheUnited States. Through the U.S. government’s immigrantinvestororEB-5visaprogram, foreign investors who provide capital to Dental Equities can gain the opportunity to permanently work and reside in the UnitedStates. A mutually beneficial option, the EB-5 program,wasapprovedin1990bytheU.S. Congress. Through the program, foreign nationals receive immigrant visas — that is,permanentresidencestatus—forthem- selves and their families through job- creating investments. The EB-5 program allows for the exchange through invest- ment of $1 million in businesses that verifiablycreateaminimumof10jobsfor Americans. The program is considered a success by many. Bloomberg Busines- sweek reported in 2011 that: “Hundreds ofsmallventuresacrosstheU.S.arefind- ing backers through the visa program, knownasEB-5.” This is how the program works: A foreign national applies under the EB-5 program to invest in a for-profit enter- priseintheUnitedStates.Iftheinvestor’s petition is approved, the investor and his or her spouse and children under the age of 21 will be granted conditional permanentresidencystatusfortwoyears. Withinthe90-dayperiodbeforethecondi- tional permanent residence expires, the investor must submit evidence that the full required investment has been made and that 10 jobs have been created and maintained, or will be created within a reasonable period. There is a limit of 700 immigrants to the United States from specifiedcountrieseachyear. As with any bureaucratic process, maneuvering through the required paperworkcanbecomplicatedandstress- ful; thus, many EB-5 applicants welcome assistance and guidance from those with the necessary knowledge, experience and expertise. Dental Equities, a leader in business support services for dentists andotherprofessionals,helpsprofession- als who invest the required amount with Dental Equities to navigate the EB-5 pro- cessbywayofthe“Arrive.Strive.Thrive.” program. DentalEquities’experiencedimmigra- tionlawyers,whospecializeinpreparing and filing investors’ EB-5 immigrant visa petitions with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), prepare allthenecessaryimmigrationdocuments andfilethesewithUSCISinaprofessional and speedy manner, thus expediting the processing of the immigrant visa peti- tionsforinvestors. Uponreceiptoftheinvestmentfunds, approvaloftheimmigrantvisapetitionby USCIS and issuance of immigrant visas to the investor and his or her family, the Dental Equities team helps the dentist and his or her family arrive in the United States, and the comprehensive program continues to support the dentist and his orherfamilyinsettlinginacommunity. Because the Dental Equities team understands the dental profession, its regulations and requirements, it can help the dentist achieve professional U.S. qualification standards and then match him or her with an existing business or help the dentist establish a new one, enabling the dentist to strive for success in the dental field. Once the dentist is in business, Dental Equities’ team provides ongoing support with practice manage- ment services and resources to help the dentist’spracticethrive. An individual could choose to under- takethetaskofdealingwiththeadminis- trative,logistic,legalandaccountingmat- ters, costing time and effort. Or, by part- neringwiththeteamofprofessionalsand affiliatesatDentalEquities,dentistshave the advantage of being able to practice independentlyintheUnitedStates,while benefitingfromtheguidanceandsupport ofthosewhosharetheirknowledgeofand passion for the profession, and who have thenecessaryexpertiseinthelogisticsof immigrating to and establishing a busi- nessintheUnitedStates. Theprogramenablesdentiststotrans- fer their existing capital into equity in a profession and business that they under- stand,makingthisalow-riskopportunity with high returns. The “Arrive. Strive. Thrive.” program also provides the den- tist with the choice of keeping his or her investment in Dental Equities’ programs orgettingbacktheinitialinvestment,plus accruedinterest. More details on the program can be (Source: Dental Equities)

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