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today IDS 2015 Cologne Review

news22 Show Review IDS Cologne 2015 n Simply polishing to a high gloss finish, easily taking photographs or milling precisely—In mid-March, SHOFU Dental presented clinically proven as well as improved product novelties in the areas of CAD/CAM materials,polishingsystemsandden- tal photography to visitors of IDS. Whether it was the versatile digital camera EyeSpecial C-II, the millable hybrid ceramic SHOFU Block HC and DiskHC,ortheestablishedcomposite Super-Snap polishing system kit, which was expanded in Cologne with twonewX-Tremedisks—theJapanese company demonstrated that it can provide a full range of customizable product solutions of the highest qual- ity and performance for all dental needs and interests. Especially designed for the use in dental practices and combining sim- ple and safe handling with a broad spectrum of indications and diagnos- tics,theShofudigitalcameraEyeSpe- cialC-II,whichthrougha12-megapix- els sensor and 5x optical zoom fea- tures the latest in digital technology, turned out to be a magnet for visitors. Whether documenting the treatment procedure of a regular, risk or ortho- dontic patient, its preset dental photo modes make sure the camera pro- vides convincing image quality from every angle and in every mode. Many dentists also headed to the counters for the innovative SHOFU BlockHCandDiskHC-discs.Owingto their special combination of materi- als, the highly-aesthetic hybrid mate- rials offer exceptionally high light transmitting properties, as well as high stability and flexural strength and are thus indicated for both indi- vidual anterior tooth restorations as well as for durable restorations in the posterior area. The two new Super-Snap X-Treme polishing disks were another high- light at SHOFU’s presentation. Com- pared to the previous green and red Super-Snap disks, they are thicker and allow for a higher contact pres- sure during polishing. Dentists were particularly interested in the red Super-Snap X-Treme disks, which fea- tures a new three-dimensional coat- ing that SHOFU said reliably pre- vents clogging or clumping on the disk surface as well as secondary scratches. Notably popular with den- tists were the test and entry-level kits for the composite system Beautifil- Bulk, which, while only introduced to the market six month ago, has al- readybecomeastandardmaterialfor Bulk-fill restorations in many dental practices owing its two viscosities. However, SHOFU did not only fo- cus on the presentation of product novelties during IDS but also on pro- viding a pleasant atmosphere in or- der to facilitate an intensive ex- change with the entire dental prac- tice team as well as to conveye practi- cal tips. “For ourselves, the IDS always serves as an important information and communication platform,” em- phasised Marketing and Sales Man- ager Martin Hesselmann. “The imme- diate face-to-face contact and feed- back from dentists and trading part- ners means a lot to us. This always provides a source of inspiration.” “Moreover, the IDS has shown that our new products meet and sat- isfy the demands and wishes from dentists for perfectly coordinated as wellashandyandsafeapplicablesys- tems. This is also reflected in our or- der books. The orders we received duringIDShaveclearlyexceededour expectations.”7 Bien-Air Dental SA Tel.+41 (0)32 344 64 64 ALL-NEW TORNADO 30 WATTS A TURBINE SO POWERFUL it gives you a lot more time for your patients. BIENAIR-TORNADO.COM AD NewvisionsandperspectivesatIDS ShofureportsstronginterestindigitalcameraandCAD/CAMmaterials 5 EyeSpecial C-II dental camera PlanmecaPlanscan n Planmeca’s full range of open CAD/CAM solutions for dentists and dental technicians now includes the world’s first dental unit integrated in- traoral scanner. The integration of Planmeca Planscan with Planmeca dental units will allow for a smoother workflow, according to the company. Owing to the unit’s Full HD tablet device, the dental team has uninter- ruptedandoptimalaccesstolivescan- ning data. The scanner also provides practicalsoundguidancetoensureop- timal data capture. Planmeca Plan- Scan can be conveniently controlled via the dental unit’s wireless foot con- trol, leaving the user’s hands free for scanning and patient treatment. The foot control also al- lows easy toggling be- tween prep, opposing and buccal views, so that the clinician can focus on scanning without interrup- tions. Hands-free op- eration also guaran- teesimpeccablein- fection control. P l a n m e c a PlanScan has beendesigned foranefficient workflow and is used just like any other dental instru- ment. It can be shared effort- lessly between users. The plug- and-play scanner can also be easily in- stalled in different dental units and different rooms. The flexible licensing system enables different CAD/CAM workphases(scanning,designingand manufacturing) to be performed si- multaneously by different users. The system is built on Planmeca Romexis, the first software in the worldcombiningCAD/CAMandX-ray imaging. This means that all images and scans are conveniently available through one user interface 7 TDI0715_22_Shofu 04.05.15 09:49 Seite 22 Bien-Air Dental SA Tel.+41 (0)323446464 TDI0715_22_Shofu 04.05.1509:49 Seite 22

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