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Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition

ingforatleast24hours)orexcessiveexercise. The weight of bulimic individuals tends to fluctuate, but remains within normal limits. Aboutone-thirdofbulimicshaveahistoryof anorexianervosa,andsomehaveahistoryof obesity. During bingeing, bulimic individuals usu- ally consume between 1,500 and 3,000 calo- rieswithin1or2hours,andhavebeenknown to consume as much as 60,000 calories in one bulimic binge. They typically eat sweet, high-calorie foods, which are easy to con- sume quickly, like ice cream. This is followed bydepression,panicandguilt,andacompul- sion to purge. These episodes occur at least twiceweeklyoveraperiodofseveralmonths. Some bulimic individuals even vomit five or six times per day. Most bulimics who die do so in the act of purging. Anorexia nervosa is characterised by a re- fusal to eat enough to maintain body weight within 15 per cent of the minimal normal weight for age and height (the anorexic indi- vidual is often 20 per cent to 40 per cent be- low a healthy body weight); they have an ex- treme fear of gaining weight; and a distorted body image, which results in patients believ- ing that they are fat, even when they are emaciated; and amenorrhoea (absence of menstruation). A significant number of anorectic individ- uals also purge, and some have pica; they may consume cotton balls soaked in orange juice, for example, to control hunger. The main difference between bulimia nervosa and purging anorexia is that the individual with anorexia is underweight. Binge-eating disorder is characterised by frequent consumption of abnormally large amounts of food in one sitting, while feeling a loss of control over eating. Individuals with this disorder do not purge afterwards, but feel depressed and guilty after overeating. Most individuals with binge-eating disorder are obese, with the related increased risks of diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, and arthritis. Aetiology The aetiology of eating disorders is multi- factorial and not completely understood. Contributingfactors,however,includeliving in a culture where thinness is generally admired. There are indeed unrealistic depictions of beauty and thinness in most media. At about 6 feet (1.82 m) tall and 117 pounds (53.07 kg), today’s fashion model weighs 23 per cent less than the average woman. Some overachieving perfectionists whodonotfitthisquestionableidealdevelop eating disorders. They have not only a low self-esteem, but also a distorted perception of body shape, as well as a poor body image.8 The risk of a female developing anorexia nervosa increases ten to 20 times if she has a siblingwiththedisorder.Eatingdisordersof- ten occur in individuals who have suffered physical or psychological trauma,9 and are frequently accompanied by other psychi- atricillnesses,10 suchasdepression,anxiety,11 self-harm (such as cutting), obsessive–com- pulsive disorder, and chemical dependency. Oral findings Traumatic lesions on the palate and oropharynx are caused by insertion of ob- jects to induce vomiting. Signs of nutritional deficiencies occur, such as angular cheilitis, candidiasis,glossitis,andoralmucosalulcer- ation. Individuals with eating disorders also experience a dry mouth related to dehydra- tion or xerogenic medications, such as anti- depressants and anxiolytics. 25Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition | 1/2015 The Dental Tribune International C.E. Magazines Shipping address City Country Phone Fax Signature Date PayPal | Credit Card Credit Card Number Expiration Date Security Code €44/magazine (4 issues/year; incl. shipping and VAT for customers in Germany) and €46/magazine (4 issues/year; incl. shipping for customers outside Germany).** Your subscription will be renewed automatically every year until a written cancellation is sent to Dental Tribune International GmbH, Holbeinstr. 29, 04229 Leipzig, Germany, six weeks prior to the renewal date. 4 issues per year | * 2 issues per year *** €56/magazine (4 issues/year; incl. shipping and VAT) ** Prices for 2 issues/year are €22 and €23 respectively per year. CAD/CAM cone beam cosmetic dentistry* DT Study Club (France)*** gums* implants laser ortho prevention* roots I would like to subscribe to \ SUBSCRIBE NOW! fax: +49 341 48474 173 | e-mail: Figs.1&2:Severedentalerosionrelatedtobulimicpurging.(ProducedwithpermissionfromDrS.Weinstein) AD TRENDS & APPLICATIONS DTUK0115_24-27_Douglas 09.04.15 15:37 Seite 25 \ SUBSCRIBE NOW! fax: +4934148474173 | e-mail: DTUK0115_24-27_Douglas 09.04.1515:37 Seite 25

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