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today IDS 2015 Cologne 13 March

business38 IDS 2015 – 13. März 13 March Bone Cutter C254A / C141AC Cutters with internal cooling EDENTA AG Hauptstrasse 7 CH-9434 Au/SG Switzerland Tel.: +41 (0)71 747 25 25 Fax +41 (0)71 747 25 50 E - Mail: Internet: www.edenta.comHall 11.1 Aisle C18/D19 Bone Cutter C254A Bone cutter used for preparing bone and tooth structure. The special A-cut blades guarantee very quiet instrument running at the highest cutting capacity with maximum conservation of the tooth structure to be prepared. The long, slimline neck provides excellent visibility during preparation. Indications: Exposing and removing impacted wisdom teeth, apicectomies, preparation of bone structure and a bone lid, separating teeth and tooth roots. Indications: Exposing and removing impacted wisdom teeth, apicectomies, preparation of bone structure and a bone lid, separating teeth and tooth roots. Bone Cutter C141AC Bone cutter used for gentle preparation of the bone structure. The new optimised A blades guarantee very quiet instrument running with the highest cutting efficiency and minimum trauma of the bone structure to be machined. The cutter meets the high demands placed on a high-quality surface during surgical preparation of the bone, due to the ZrN (zircon nitride) hard coating. The transitional blade also enables axial insertion in the bone structure. The newly developed blade design guarantees controlled preparation and a smoother bone structure surface for good wound healing. 81IK Bone cutter with internal cooling (IK) for gentle preparation of bone structure, stainless steel. 167IK Bone cutter with internal cooling (IK) for gentle preparation of bone structure, stainless steel. 210IK Pilot bur with internal cooling (IK) for implantology, stainless steel with depth marking = 2 mm C254A.205.012 81IK 167IK 210IK C254A.206.012 C254A.104.012 C141AC AD Eurosima ist ein führender ita- lienischer Anbieter von Fiberglass- Wurzelstiften für die Endodontitie. Diese Stifte führen zu besserer Retention der Restaurationsmate- rialien innerhalb der verbleiben- den Zahnsubstanz und verteilen denStressgleichmäßiganderWur- zel, um so eventuell entstehende Schwachpunkte zu verringen. DerFirmazufolgeführtdieVer- wendung hochqualitativer Mate- rialien für die eigenen Produkte zu höherer Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Materialermüdung und zu einem elastischen Modul, dass menschlichen Dentin vergleich- bar ist. Sie sind hochästethisch, die Natur nachahmend und kom- plettbiokombatibel.DieEuroposts Wurzelstifte oxidieren und korro- dieren nicht und bieten beste Haf- tung für alle Arten von Komposit- zementen. Für beste Resultate, empfiehlt die Firma die Verwen- dung des Avanguard Cem Univer- sal Dualzements. A leading provider from Italy, Eurosimaismanufacturinganddis- tributing fibre glass posts for use in endodontics around the world. Their Europosts allows for a signifi- cantincreaseinretentionofrestora- tive material in the remaining tooth structure and to evenly distribute stress lines along the root, thus avoiding weakness accumulating in any point. According to the company, the useofhighqualitymaterialsintheir products gives them a higher re- sistance to fatigue and an elastic modulus that is comparable to the human dentin. They are also highly aestethic, mimicking and completely biocompatible. Europosts show no oxidation or corrosion and offer excellent adhesion to all types of composite cement. For best re- sults, Eurosima recommends the useoftheAvanguardCemuniversal dual cement. The ongoing attention to new technologies in modern dentistry al- lows it to offer innovative and cut- ting-edge products created with high profile expertise’s ensuring, at the same time, an excellent value for money to the customers, Euro- sima said. The company represents a number of other businesses in- cluding German dental instrument manufacturer Helmut Zepf, the Swiss specialist for oral care and dental prophylaxis Edel&White, as well as Suecos, a Spanish company specialised in production of profes- sional footwear. EUROSIMA, ITALY Hall 10.1 Booth C041 Thomas Instrumente „Made in France“ werden zurzeit in 65 Län- dern weltweit vertrieben. Das Ange- bot besteht aus K. Feilen, Reamern, H. Feilen, K. Flex Feilen, Nervnadeln, füllende Pasten, Gates und Peeso Instrumenten sowie NiTi Feilen, die in Edelstahl bzw. Nickel-Titanium (Formerinnerunglegierung) erhältlich sind und nach Standart 3630 herge- stelltwurden.Siesindzurmanuellen Aufbereitung und zur Verwendung im Endo-Winkelstück geeignet. Das AngebotwurdeletztesJahrdurchdas neue rotierende System NiTi Shaper von Thomas ergänzt. THOMAS instruments, which are “Made in France”, are a recognised brandinmorethan65countries.They comprise root canal instruments like K. files, reamers, H. files, K. Flex files, nerve broaches, paste fillers, gates, peeso or NiTi files, which come stain- less steel or in nickel titanium (shape memoryalloyanaremanufacturedac- cordingtoISO3630standard.Theyare available in manual or in contra-angle versions. The range was completed last year by introducing NiTi Shaper, the new rotary system developed by THOMAS. FFDM-PNEUMAT, FRANCE Hall 11.1 Booth D029 EUROPOST EUROPOSTTHOMAS ENDO FEILEN ENDO FILES FROM THOMAS Tel.: +41 (0)717472525 Fax +41 (0)717472550

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