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today IDS 2015 Cologne, 11 March

business 59IDS 2015 – 11. März 11 March Mit dem Einstieg des weltweit füh- renden Elektronikkonzerns Samsung in den Zukunftsmarkt der dentalen 3-D-Diagnostik hielten beste Techno- logie, höchste Qualität und günstige Preise Einzug auf den asiatischen Markt. Nach Erfolgen in Nordamerika wird das Ray-scan Alpha zur IDS 2015 erstmalig in Deutschland präsentiert. Ein wichtiger Partner dabei ist Im- plantathersteller, der sich weiter zum Dienstleister für den digitalen Work- flow in der anspruchsvollen Implan- tologieentwickelt. DasGerätüberzeugtdurchhöchste Bildqualität dank des einzigartigen IT-Know-hows des Samsung-Konzerns für Rekonstruktionsalgorithmen und eines Vollformatsensors mit 140 μm homogener Auflösung für das gesamte Volumen von 9 x 9 cm. Dieses Field of View wurde bewusst für implanto- logische Schwerpunktpraxen gewählt, dennsomitistdieDarstellungdeskom- pletten Ober- und Unterkiefers inklu- sivederaufsteigendenÄstebeinahezu jeder Patientenanatomie bei gleichzei- tiger Berücksichtigung der Strahlen- hygiene gewährleistet. Die Befundung erfolgt entweder klassisch in den drei Ebenen inklusive Volumen-Rendering oder implantologisch optimiert im Querschnitt entlang einer Linie durch Ober-oderUnterkiefer.Eineintegrierte eigenständige OPG-Funktion mit ver- schiedenen Modi zur postoperativen Kontrolle und ein optionaler Cephalo- stat (auf Wunsch als One-Shot-Sensor) bieten jeder Praxis die Möglichkeiten, die sie benötigt. Ein besonders form- schönes und anwenderfreundliches DesignrundetdasAngebotab. Auch die Softwarelösung über- zeugt.Seit2007dieBenchmarkfürInsi- der, die eine bewährte herstellerunab- hängige Systemlösung ihrer gesamten digitalen Bildgebung in der zahnärzt- lichenPraxiswünschen,istrevealSam- sungsExklusivpartnerfürdendeutsch- sprachigen Raum. Die Bilddaten des Ray-scan Alpha werden automatisch imDICOM-Formatausgegeben,dasmit jeder Software für die navigierte, scha- blonenunterstützteImplantologiekom- patibelist.Datenübernahmevorhande- ner digitaler Formate und Integration von Intraoralröntgensystemen, Kame- rasundPraxisverwaltungssoftwareist lautHerstellerproblemlosmöglich. Withtheentranceoftheworld'slea- ding electronics company Samsung intothefuturemarketof3-Ddentaldia- gnostics,besttechnology,superiorqua- lity and economical prices have found their way into the Asian market. Follo- wing its successes in North America, the Ray-scan Alpha will be presented for the first time in Germany at IDS 2015.AnimportantpartnerinthisisAr- gonDental,themostinnovativeamong the unaffiliated implant manufactu- rers, is evolving as a service provider for digital workflow in the demanding fieldofimplantology. The unit features maximum image quality thanks to the unique IT know- how of the Samsung Group for recon- struction algorithms and a full-format sensor with 140 micron homogeneous resolution for the entire volume of 9 x 9 cm. This field of view was espe- cially chosen for implant specialist practicesbecausethisensuresimaging of the complete maxilla and mandible, including the ascending branches, in almost every patient anatomy while taking radiation hygiene into account. The integrated stand-alone OPG func- tion with special modes for postopera- tivecontrolandanoptionalcephalostat (on request as one-shot sensor) ensure maximum practicality. A particularly appealing and user-friendly design completestheoffer. The software solution makes you a believer. Since 2007, the benchmark for insiders who want a manufacturer- independent solution to your entire digital imaging system in the dental practiceisreveal,theexclusivepartner for the German-speaking countries. Ray-scan Alpha image data are auto- matically output in the DICOM format, which is compatible with every soft- ware for navigated, template-assisted implantology, according to the com- pany. ARGON MEDICAL, GERMANY Hall 3.1 Booth H010 ARGON DENTAL/ SAMSUNG RAY ARGON DENTAL/ SAMSUNG RAY AD The Italian company CIMsystem is going to showcase their best so- lutions for dental laboratories and offices so far. These include the CAM software SUM3D Dental 2015 and all of the latest improvements that come with its recent software updates. SUM3D Dental is an open CAM system with a simple and intuitive graphic interface. The system is suit- able for any material and offers an extensive range of automated and customizable features. Material con- sumption, tool-paths, cutting strate- giesarealloptimisedforawiderange of milling solutions, according to the company. The software has recently received several new features such as the Replace technology, Premilled blank machining and support for the usage of “T” Shaped Tools for machining undercuts and/or angled screw-access holes for implant abut- ments. The latest release of SUM3D Dental includes a number of brand new characteristics created in re- sponse to the needs of customers and partners. Somefeaturescustomerscanlook forwardtoistheRestMaterialVisual- ization, for example, that not only cal- culates but also shows any residual materialthatwillnotbemilledduring the machining process to the user. Multi-layeredwillassistusersinnest- ing restorations at the same position as where they have been designed. The Post-Sintered Milling feature is designed to manage milling a part after it has been created using laser sintering technology. The Overpress procedure allows users to create copings and bridges through a fast andlow-costprocess,alsosuitablefor 3-axes machines that do not have a milling rotary axis. Three other products are being launchedbyCIMsystemsatIDS2015 include MillBox, the CAM software able to mill any variety of dental components both on discs or blocks, as well as Model Manager for Model Design management and Pyramis, anapplicationtohandle3-Dprinting. CIMSYSTEM, ITALY; Hall 3.1 Booth J057 CAM SOLUTIONS FOR DENTAL TECHNICIANS AND LABS

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