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today IDS 2015 Cologne, 11 March

business56 IDS 2015 – 11. März 11 March AD Over the next 20 years, regener- ative techniques will possibly allow to regrow lost tissue and organs of humans. Considered unreachable in many aspects, the prospects for regeneration looks promising than ever and clinicians look forward to what can be achieved in the years to come. The primary goal of UBGEN, an Italian manufacturer of ultra bone substitutesandultrabonegrowthfac- tors, among other products, is to com- bine clinical and scientific research with product innovation for the pur- pose of creating new and interesting concepts that focus on the well-being of the patient. The company says it financially supports a number of scientific proj- ects and clinical studies at several academic and private research insti- tutions. In addition, it analyses perpetu- allywhatispublishedininternational literature and actively promotes clin- ical experimentations and trials. This all adds to greater reliability and better predictability for the clini- cian, thus providing the best possible solution for the patient, the company said. The company says to encourage a work environment that inspires respect, fairness and cooperation. Employees and contractors are en- couraged and involved in everything thecompanydoesaswellasinthepro- cesses that help to achieve its goals. UBGEN’sproductsareallindividually tested with automated controls and visual inspected by specialised staff prior to the sterilisation processes. UBGEN, ITALY Hall 3.2 Booth E048 UBGEN PRESENTS A STEP FORWARD IN REGENERATION Er:YAG-Laseremittierenstimulierte elektromagnetischeStrahlungmiteiner Wellenlänge von 2.940 nm, die ideal durch Wasser absorbiert wird. Durch denLaserstrahlwerdendieWassermo- leküle angeregt, vergrößern ihr Volu- men um das 800- bis 1.000-fache und führen zu sogenannten Mikroexplosio- nen.Diesesorgenfüreinebesondersge- webeschonende Behandlung mit ange- nehmen Effekten für den Patienten. Weil das Verfahren minimalinvasiv, schmerzfrei sowie ohne starke Vibra- tion und Hitzeentwicklung vonstatten- geht, ist eine moderne Laserbehand- lung in keiner Weise mit den klassi- schenMethodenzuvergleichen. Die dritte Er:YAG-Laser-Generation vonMoritamitNamenAdvErLEvover- eint japanische Spitzentechnologie mit Funktionalität, Ergonomie und einem eleganten Design. Der Laser ist laut Hersteller als umfassendes Hightech- Instrument disziplinübergreifend für eineVielzahlvonIndikationengeeignet und ermöglicht ein schonendes Arbei- ten, was Patienten, Behandlern und derenTeamsentgegenkommt. Das japanische Unternehmen Mo- rita produziert seit 20 Jahren Lasersys- teme, die sich für endodontologische, parodontologische und implantologi- scheEingriffeeignen. Er:YAG lasers usually emit infrared lightwithawavelengthof2.940nmand therefore can be perfectly absorbed by water. The water molecules are stimu- latedbythelaserbeam,increasingtheir volume from 800- to 1,000-fold which causes so-called micro-explosions that lead to an extremely gentle and tissue conserving treatment. This has a very pleasantsideeffectforthepatient.Since thismethodisminimallyinvasive,silent, painless and without severe vibration and heat production, a modern laser treatment is in no way comparable to classictreatmentoptions. AdvErLEvo,thelatestandthirdgen- eration of Moritas Er:YAG lasers, com- bines Japanese leading-edge technology with functionality, ergonomics and a gentle treatment for the patient. As a comprehensive high-tech instrument the laser works as a multidisciplinary tool for a variety of indications and also allows an ergonomic working for the benefit of both patients as well as prac- titionersandtheirteams,Moritasaid. Formorethan20years,theJapanese company produces laser systems that are suited for endodontic, periodontal andimplantologicalinterventions. J. MORITA EUROPE, GERMANY Hall 10.2 Booth R040 The implant system by Italian manufacturer Implant Technology System provides customers with a variety of solutions that are able to satisfy all surgical and prosthesis variables required by dental profes- sionals. Their implant system can be con- figured with internal connection, external and conical connections. While the international connection provides for a better cosmetic result and improved stabilisation of the prosthetic abutment on individual elements as well as in in aesthetic areas, the external connection is a simple and intuitive solution for multiple and total rehabilitations. The real gem in the crown of the ITS implant-prostheses range is the conical coupling with which clinicians achieve aprostheticconnectionsealed from bacteria and with abso- lutely no micro movements. AllITSsystemimplantsare also available with anatomic, cylindrical and trunk-conical morphologies. Implant Technology System says to provide its customers with a fast and flexible service. Ordered goods are usually delivered within 24 hours. The company also pro- vides its partners and its cus- tomers with a technical advisory services as well as commercial pre- and post-sales service that support them from both the clinical side as well as technological issues and logistics. ESSEMME COMPONENTS, ITALY Hall 3.2 Booth E050 ITS—A FULL-RANGE DENTAL IMPLANT SYSTEM ADVERL EVO ADVERL EVO

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