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today IDS 2015 Cologne 10 March

business78 IDS 2015 – 10. März 10 March AD VATECH Global is a global distri- bution and maintenance company for dental imaging systems. It is an affiliate company of VATECH Co., Ltd., a global dental imaging system manufacturer. Vatech Global has 12 overseas subsidiaries and has es- tablished itself as a leading brand in Taiwan, China, Spain, and the US markets. From entry-level 2-D prod- ucts to premium 3-D CT, VATECH Global targets not only the existing advanced markets but also focuses on newly emerging markets. VATECH continuously develops technology to provide products which are beneficial for both hu- man health and the environment, and has named this Green Innova- tion. Through Green Innovation, VATECH has developed a sustain- able manufacturing process to re- ducewasteandpollution.Guidedby its “People-focused growth” philos- ophy, VATECH strives to design and manufacture equipment that is “Low Dose and Low Radiation”, a previously unthinkable, revolution- ary new concept. VATECH rose to the challenge and eventually devel- oped the PaX-i3D Green, which was introduced in the US Market in 2013. With the launch of the PaX-i3D Green, the Green CT brand was cre- ated and became synonymous with premium image quality at ultra-low dosage of radiation. Vatech contin- ues to develop new Green CT and low dose products while maintain- ing its history of Green innovation. Ez3D-i – Supports the whole oral surgery process. • Intuitive navigation with the in- troduction of the (3D PAN) tab • Enables Lingual-side diagnosis using “Volume Panorama” • Supports effective and exact checking of a lesion’s location in endodontic treatment whether it’s near the apical area or not. – One-Click for Region of Interest Diagnosis • 1 sec. for cross-sectional im- ages • No need for complicated train- ing courses – Implant Simulation with 3-D Pan • Easy multi-implant simulation • Insertion of implant based on a restoration • Various modes for exact bone density EzSensor Soft – Intraoral sensor with Bendable & Soft exterior – 14.8 μm pixels, the smallest in this industry – A solution to problems caused by traditional Rigid sensors (Posi- tioning, Comfort, Diagnosable Im- ages). – For Pain Relief, Easy Positioning, Accurate Diagnosis, and Damage Reduction. – Easy positioning for mandibular canine imaging – Minimized cropped root on the image for easy consultation – Minimized image distortion with isometric imaging. – Easy diagnosis of interproximal caries i-Cleaner – Intraoral sensor Disinfection & Packaging device – Minimizes the possibility of infec- tion – Minimizes sanitation anxiety – UV Light Disinfection (99 % of Mutans) – Automatic Double Wrapping (sensor wrap + storage wrap) VATECH, SOUTH KOREA Hall 4.1 Booth F090 Neue Implantatsysteme werden vor der Markteinführung eingehend nach DIN EN ISO 14801 geprüft. LARADO liefert eine speziell entwi- ckelte Prüfanlage – die DORA 14801 – die auch während der laufenden Produktion und bei Konstruktions- änderungen die Einhaltung einer gleichbleibenden Produktqualität garantiert. Die DIN EN ISO 14801 beschreibt die Prüfung von Dentalimplantaten hinsichtlich Ermüdungserschei- nung unter Wechselbeanspruchung. Mit der DORA 14801 können diese Untersuchungen laut Hersteller nun einfach, kostengünstig und inner- halb eines deutlich reduzierten Prü- fungszeitraumes realisiert werden. Grundsätzlich geht es dabei um die Qualität von Implantaten und Aufbauten, die nicht nur in der Entwicklungs- phase, sondern auch in der späteren Produktion durch chargenbezogene ISO 14801-Prüfungen zu sichern ist. Dies bedeu- tet, dass eine hohe Sicherheit bezüglich der Dauerbelastung, den Verbindungen und den Aufbauten von Implan- taten erreicht wird. Der maßgebliche Faktor für die Effizienz wurde erzielt, indem die gesamte Prüfanlage mit nur einer zentralen Mas- tersteuereinheit ausge- stattet wurde. Diese Mastersteuerein- heit ist gleichzeitig die zentrale Basis für den Anschluss der acht einzelnen Prüfstationen, die unabhängig von- einander dokumentierbare Prüfer- gebnisse liefern. Die variable sinusförmige dyna- mische Kraftprüfung von bis zu 800N bei 1–15Hz, der geringe Platz- bedarf beim Aufstellen der Anlage, der einfache Anschluss an eine 230- Volt-Steckdose und die Unabhängig- keit von Druckluft und hydrauli- schen Systemen sprechen für die DORA 14801. New implant systems are exhaus- tively tested before market introduc- tion in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14801. LARADO delivers a specially developed testing system—the DORA 14801—which also guarantees mainte- nance of a consistent product quality during ongoing production and con- struction changes. DIN EN ISO 14801 describes the testing of dental implants with regard to fatigue under cyclic loading. With the DORA 14801, these investigations cannowbeperformedsimply,econom- ically and within a significantly re- duced testing period. Basically, it’s about ensuring the quality of implants andsuperstructures,notonlyinthede- velopment phase, but also in later pro- duction by means of batch-related ISO 14801 testing. This means that a high level of safety is achieved with regard to long-term load, connections and im- plant superstructures. The defining factor for efficiency was achieved by equipping the entire test system with only one central mas- ter control unit. At the same time, this is the central base for connecting the eightindividualtestingstations,which provide independently documentable test results. The variable sinusoidal dynamic force testing of up to 800N at 1–15Hz, thesmallfootprintwhensettingupthe system,thesimpleconnectiontoa230- volt outlet and the independence of pneumatic and hydraulic systems speak for the DORA 14801. LARADO, GERMANY Hall 3.1 Booth H010 IMPLANTATPRÜFANLAGE ERMÖGLICHT PRÜFUNG WÄHREND DER PRODUKTION IMPLANT TESTING SYSTEM ENABLES TESTING DURING PRODUCTION GREEN INNOVATION FROM VATECH

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