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today IDS 2015 Cologne 10 March

business76 IDS 2015 – 10. März 10 March Prague Exhibition Grounds Holesovice 8. - 10. 10. 2015 Professional partners Media partners 23rd INTERNATIONAL DENTAL FAIR TOP COM PANIES FROM THE INDUSTRY W ILLBE PRESENT AD Die neue IRIS HD USB 3.0 Intra- oralkamera von Digital Doc über- führt jedes noch so kleinste Detail in brillantes bildschirmfüllendes High- Definition. Mit ihren Präzisionslin- sen und dem HD Sensor von Sony, den besten seiner Klasse, bietet sie nachAngabendesHerstellersaußer- gewöhnliche Schärfenwiedergabe. Mithilfe der dualen Aufnahmefunk- tion und des one-touch Fokus behal- ten Zahnärzte stets Kontrolle über ihre Aufnahmen. Der neuentwickelte elektroni- scheFokuswechseltautomatisch in den nächstbesseren Modus. Die Kamera ist mit einem inter- nen Bewegungssensor ausge- stattet und schaltet sich beim Hochnehmen automatisch ein. Nach 10 Minuten Inaktivität schaltet sie sich außerdem automatisch aus. Das elegant stromlinienförmige Profil der Kamera verfügt über einen speziellentwickeltenKopfmit eingebauter 8-Punkt LED Be- leuchtung für farbechte Auf- nahmen. Durch seinen USB 3.0 Adapter lässt sich das Ge- rät jederzeit nahtlos mit ei- ner Versorgungseinheit ver- binden. Digital Doc ist seit über 16 Jahren in der Entwick- lung dentaler Intraoralka- meras marktführend. So hat die Firma seit 2007 nach eigenen Angaben mehr Einheiten als jeder andere Hersteller in Nord- amerika verkauft. Die Ge- räte verfügen über eine 2- Jahre-Garantie auf Verar- beitung und Herstellung. The new IRIS HD USB 3.0IntraoralCamerafrom DigitalDocissaidtobring the smallest details into brilliant full-screen high- resolution focus. TheIRISHDoffers extreme clarity with its precision optical lens array and Sony’s ad- vanced HD sensor that combine for the finest,bestinitsclass, picture quality, ac- cording to the com- pany. With dual cap- ture buttons and one- touch focus, control is always within reach. The newly de- signed electronic fo- cuswilladvanceauto- matically to the next focusmodeandallfive positions are shown on- screen. Equipped with an internal motion sen- sor, the IRIS HD will Auto-On when lifted and Auto-Off after ten minutes of inactivity. The elegantly streamlinedprofilefeatures a small, specially designed soft-tip with brilliant 8-point LED lighting for true-colour images. Always close to hand, a spe- cially designed USB 3.0 connec- tor seamlessly fits in a standard delivery unit. DigitalDochasbeenleadingthe industrywithinnovativedesignand state-of-the-art technology in intrao- ral cameras for over 16 years. The companysaystohavesoldmoreunits than any other camera company in North America since 2007. Digital Doc also offer a 2-year parts and labour warranty on all its models. DIGITAL DOC, USA Hall 4.2 N059 Adressing all problems a clini- cian faces when restoring a single tooth in the posterior, Nobel Biocare is trying to bring innovation back to theposteriorregionwithitsnewcom- plete posterior solution. Multiple Nobel Biocare novelties combine to make this solution complete, but the foundation for treatment success is the implant itself, the company said. Here Nobel Biocare offers several op- tions, each engineered for the spe- cific demands of the posterior. A new variant offers the benefits of the NobelActive family but with dimen- sions ideal for the molar region. The NobelActive WP (wide platform) im- plant possesses a wider diameter im- plant body (5.5 mm) to better fit the large extraction sites in the molar re- gion and a wider implant platform for an optimal emergence profile. NobelActive WP also comes in an op- tion with a shorter body (7 mm) to avoid critical anatomical structures such as nerves. Alternatively,clinicianscanoptfor NobelParallel Conical Connection (CC). Combining a parallel-walled im- plant body that is well documented withanadvancedinternalconnection, this implant offers extraordinary flex- ibility. It is engineered for use in all bone qualities and for a wide range of indications.The5.5mmwideplatform option is designed for an optimised emergence profile for large molar sites. Both new implants also benefit from Nobel Biocare’s internal conical connection. This advanced connec- tion’s conical seal and hexagonal in- terlocking mechanism provide high mechanical strength. It offers restora- tive flexibility too, being compatible with Nobel Biocare’s most innovative restorative solutions, including those designedspecificallyfortheposterior. These include the new PEEK Healing and PEEK Temporary Abutments, which are anatomically shaped to match the molar contours. As the PEEK Abutments come ready-shaped for an optimized emergence profile, fewer adjustments are needed. This can simplify treatment and reduce costly chair time. When it comes to the final restora- tion,theFCZ(full-contourzirconia)Im- plant Crown is designed for strength andpredictabilityevenunderthehigh occlusalforcesoftheposterior.There’s no worrying about chipping either, as thefull-contournatureoftheNobelPro- cera FCZ Implant Crown removes the need for veneering. The biocompatibility of the materi- als used contributes to biological sta- bilityintheareasitmattersmost.Plus, being screw retained, the FCZ Implant Crown is completely cement free, avoiding the risks associated with ce- ment excess entirely. Even the tita- nium adapter is mechanically re- tained. The ability to use an angulated screwchannel(ASC)allowsthescrew access hole on the FCZ Implant Crown tobeplacedanywherebetween0°and 25°ina360°radius.Thismeansitcan be angled towards the front of the mouthforeasyaccess,eveninthepos- terior. It also helps avoid placing the access channel on the cusp of a tooth, whereitcouldaffectocclusion.Theas- sociated Omnigrip Screwdriver fur- ther simplifies work on the restora- tion. Its effective pick-up function and securegriponthescrewhelptheclini- cian to work safely and efficiently. Natural-looking tooth color is an- other benefit offered by the FCZ Im- plant Crown. Whichever of the eight available shades is used, the color is applied throughout the material. This means discoloration isn’t a concern when making adjustments. Cutbacks and staining can also be used to achieve the desired aesthetic effect. NOBEL BIOCARE, SWITZERLAND bringinginnovationback Hall 4.1 Booth A090 NOBEL INTRODUCES COMPLETE POSTERIOR SOLUTION IRIS HD USB 3.0 INTRAORALKAMERA IRIS HD USB 3.0 INTRAORAL CAMERA

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