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today IDS 2015 Cologne 10 March

business46 IDS 2015 – 10. März 10 March A leading Italian provider in the field of oral implantology, B. & B. Den- tal offers implant lines suitable for all surgical procedures and excellent in all types of bone as well as for cases involvingspongybone(D3–D4),post- extraction conditions, small diameter preparations and especially immedi- ate loads. Featuring a triple tread body, the only one on its kind, its DURAVIT 3P Implant facilitates the full implant body insertion compared to conven- tional implants, thus simplifying the dentist’s job and reducing placement time. The thread has a particular 60° beveled profile. Its shape, angle and depth have been designed to increase the bone contact surface and reduce invasiveness, which improves the os- seointegration process. The retrac- tion of cortical bone over time is pre- vented by the micro-grooving of the collar because it improves the load distribution for reducing the vertical stress and promotes the healing of soft tissues. The DURAVIT 3P implant design alsofeaturesatripleapexgroovewith a special oblique cutting section for self-tapping of the bone during place- ment, which at the same time serves to prevent any pressure-related trauma.TheshapeoftheApexwasde- signedtoliftthemaxillarysinusmem- brane, thus avoiding the risk of perfo- rations. The latest generation of B. & B im- plants,DURAVITEVallowstoachieve higher primary stability and an opti- mal control during the implant inser- tion, giving also the opportunity to change its direction. The main differ- ence to other B. & B. implants is its very sharp double helix that can pen- etrate spongy bone in a simple and non-traumatic fashion, making the implant self-tapping. The groove is wider than normal for improving greatly primary stability in order to perform immediate loading’s proce- dures. Its collar has a back-tapered coronal design with micro rings which implies the obtaining of the maximum alveolar bone volume, an optimal soft tissue support, as well as it reduces the crestal resorption and facilitates a better load distribution. DURAVIT EV also stands out with its apical part that has extra sharp anddeepthreatstoensureanidealan- chorage. This apical blade will pene- trate small diameter preparations. Boasting all of these properties, DURAVIT EV Implant has an optimal self-tapping and self-drilling system, the company said. Both implant lines have the same connection (CONEXA), which is a combination of internal hexagon and morse taper geometries. While the first enhances the resistance to tor- sional loads for an better precision in abutment’s repositioning, the second creates a powerful mechanical bond, also called a cold weld seal. It also helps to prevent micro movements andtheriskoftheprostheticscrewto get loose and break. It adopts the plat- form switching technology that re- duces the bone loss and creates long- term aesthetic stability, as well as a perfect bacterial seal. Sharingthesameanatomicdesign with a root-like structure, the implant lines make use of the same prosthetic components, as well as the same sur- gical kit. B. & B. DENTAL, ITALY Hall 11.2 Booth Q032 B. & B. OFFERS IMPLANTS FOR EVERY INDICATION CRANEX 3Dx is the newest mem- ber of the renowned CRANEX product family by SOREDEX. By launching CRANEX3Dx,SOREDEXisnowableto present a complete offering for cranio- maxillofacial imaging. In line with its motto “Right tool for the job”, there is now smart solution for every clinical imaging need and all price categories, the company said. CRANEX 3Dx combines excellent panoramic and cephalometric imag- ing with advanced cone beam CT imaging modality: three fields-of-view (5x5cm,6x8cmand8x8cm)asstan- dardselectionandfurthertwooptional larger FOVs (8x15 and 13x15) for di- agnostic tasks in the entire maxillofa- cial region and ENT applications. The large selection of FOVs enhances flexi- bility,whilePickPointfreelyselectable FOV positioning and EasyScout func- tionality for positioning accuracy makesurethatthedesiredregionofin- terest is really in the image. Therefore there is no need neither to select too large FOV size nor to retake the expo- sure. The image will be accurate and perfectly positioned at the first shot, minimising the dose of radiation. CRANEX 3Dx offers a selection of resolutions for each FOV including high, standard and SOREDEX MiniDose (MDS). In addition, it has a specific programme optimised for high accuracy needed in endodontic diagnostics. SOREDEX Minidose is ideal for radiation sensitive cases, such as the treatment of pediatric pa- tients, implant planning and control, as well as for follow-up imaging. Good image quality can be maintained ow- ing to SARA (SOREDEX Advance Re- construction Algorithm). Remarkable is that Minidose effective dose with 5x5 FOV accounts for only 1/5 of a panoramic image. SOREDEX also further optimises the patient dose with AES hybrid— combined Automatic Exposure Set- ting (AES) in panoramic, cephalomet- ric and 3-D. This suggests exposure values based on patient size and is now available for 3-D imaging as well. CRANEX 3Dx is an agile in-office imaging solution whose performance may be enhanced according to the evolving diagnostic needs. Both cephalometric modality and large FOVsmaybeupgradedaftertheinitial purchase. Additionally, small foot- print of CRANEX 3Dx makes it even usable in clinics with limited space. SOREDEX has been de- signing and manufactur- ing easy-to-use and innovative imag- ing solutions for dental and maxillofa- cial professionals for nearly four decades.TheSOREDEXportfolioisex- tensive and ranges from intraoral, panoramic and cephalometric appli- cations to large field-of-view Cone BeamCTfordemandingENTandCMF diagnostics. Their products are renowned for their reliability, simpli- fied workflow and excellent image quality. SOREDEX, FINLAND Hall 10.1 Booth J010 CRANEX 3DX implant company B&B DENTAL IDS VISIT US AT HALL 11-2 nº N-30 O-31 10-14 MARCH dental solutions as a team Providing PAIN CONTROL - INFECTION CONTROL - BONE REGENERATION AD

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