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Clinical Master Magazine

issue 1/2015 — 03Clinical Masters™Editorial EDITORIAL — from Torsten R. Oemus Dear clinical masters, I am delighted to introduce you to the Clinical Masters™ Network and the first issue of the Clinical Masters™ magazine for dentists who live and practice with- out compromise, for the true masters in a profession known for its attention to detail, quality and dedication. If there is one thing that unites clinical masters around the world, it is their be- lief in the importance of continuously enhancing their skills through first-class postgraduate education and training. We have therefore made advanced clinical education and excellence the bench- mark for a network of the best special- ists in their respective fields. You can become a member of the Clinical Masters™ Network and benefit from mentoring by experts around the world and patient marketing initiatives by graduating from one of our Clinical Masters™ Programs or demonstrating your expertise to our faculty by submit- ting clinical cases for their review. To learn more about joining the Clinical Masters™ Network, please see pages 24–25. The Clinical Masters™ magazine features all network activities, educational pro- grams and social gatherings. The maga- zine provides insights into the treat- ment and work philosophy of the leaders behind this unique network, including their work tips and tricks, as well as their education centers. I hope we will get to know one another during one of the upcoming Tribune CME programs. Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts and feedback. Best personal regards, Torsten R. Oemus President/CEO Dental Tribune International

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