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Clinical Master Magazine

12 — issue 1/2015 Implant Dentistry Profile REIMS Implant Institute — Reims, France Location The Reims Implant Institute is located in Reims, a French city in the famous Cham- pagne-Ardenneregion,whichisknownfor its Champagne production. Its impressive Gothic cathedral played a prominent role in the coronation of the French kings.The city,restoredsincethesubstantialdamage it suffered during both World Wars, has beautiful cafés and boasts four Michelin- starred restaurants. — The Reims Implant Institute, hosts the Société Interna- tionale de Formation et de Recherche en Implantologie Orale, a scientific society founded in 1998 to train dentists who wish to begin performing or specialize in implant treatment. Located on the third floor of the Saint-Symphorien clinic, the institute, although in a 1920s building, is equipped with high-tech video equip- ment. The institute is linked to the surgical wards of the clinic on the second floor. Live surgeries are recorded with a BRC-Z700 Sony camera and can be viewed on the 63-inch plasma television or via the 4,000-lumen video projector. The conference room can accommodate up to 35 attendees during lec- tures and 18 attendees for workshops. The lecture room offers a beautiful view of the back of the Notre-Dame de Reims cathedral. A fully equipped kitchen allows for coffee breaks and the occa- sional flute of Champagne, the symbol of the region. — Dr. Philippe Russe, graduated as a Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Reims Cham- pagne-Ardenne in France in 1984. He also has a diploma in implantology, surgery and prosthetics from Uni- versité Paris Diderot, Paris 7, in France, a diploma in bio- materials and calcified tis- sue from the University of Angers in France, and a diploma in biomechanics in dental implantology from the University of Technol- ogy of Troyes in France. Dr. Russe is the director of the Reims Implant Institute. He has lectured extensively in the fields of oral surgery and implantology since 1990. He is an expert to the appellate court of Reims, has earned certification as an expert in implantology by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orale Im- plantologie (German soci- ety for oral implantology), and is a member of the board of the Association française d’implantologie (French association for im- plantology).

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