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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science International Edition

I 09 review _ minimally invasive dentistry practice I cosmeticdentistry 1_2015 professional stress. The effect of burn-out, although work-related, often will have a negative impact on peo- ple’s personal relationships and well-being.12–13 Hence, dentistsneedtotakecareoftheirstaff’shealthandfocus onprofessionalhappinessindailypractice. Aclinicianhasfullrighttoadoptthepracticephilos- ophythatheorsheprefers.However,itisalwaysadvisable to apply oneself to understanding, analysing and com- paringthisphilosophywithothers.Iamveryfortunateto have been brought up with the Vedic philosophy of the law of nature and the first, do no harm consciousness- basedphilosophyinmylifeathome,atschoolandinmy society. The spiritual guidance and mentoring I received at an early age at home and school have helped me to become a professional with a firm philosophy of do no harm; hence, I started practising consciousness-based dentistryearlyinmycareer.Duringmy21yearsofprivate practice, I have always experienced happiness and joy withhighpatientsatisfaction,whichhasgivenmecom- pleteconfidenceandfaithinmypracticephilosophyand theMiCDtreatmentprotocolthatIapplyinmypractice. Sincelate2009,Ihavebeenpromotingmypracticephi- losophy and clinical protocol in South Asia, and started the MiCD Global Academy in 2012 with the help of like- mindedfriends,whoalsopractiseasimilarkindofholis- ticdentistryaroundtheworld.TheMiCDGlobalAcademy has a mission to share clinical knowledge and funda- mental clinical skills free of charge with all clinicians whodesiretopractisedonoharmcosmeticdentistryfor better patient care and to enhance their happiness in theirprofessionallife. _Three-way test: Questions for your conscience Cosmetic dentists can make errors in practice in two ways, first owing to a lack of the required professional knowledge and skills, and second owing to a lack of professional honesty and humanity. The first one can be eliminated with good education and proper training, butthesecondonedemandsatotalshiftinmind- set,withahighlevelofconsciousnessinprofes- sional ethics, attitudes and respect towards the patient’slong-termhealth,functionandnatural beauty. I apply a simple yet very powerful test to keepmyselfstress-andguilt-freeandwithinthe boundaries of professional ethics, honesty and humanity when proposing a dental treatment plantomypatient.Clinicianscanapplythethree- way test mentioned below just by taking a deep breathandclosingtheireyesforfewsecondsand analysing their answers (the true response that comes to mind) with professional honesty and humanity. If your conscience responds posi- tively to all the questions, then it is advisable for you to propose the treatment plan and take up the case, but if you give negative responses to the questions, thenyoushouldrethinkyourproposed treatment plan to safeguard your and your patient’s long-term health, function and aesthetics using a more sensibleandlessdestructivetreatment approach. The three-way test consists of threebasicquestions: _WouldIusethistreatmentforamem- berofmyownfamilyinthissituation? _AmIcompetentenoughtotakeupthe case? _Will the patient be happy with the biological,financialandtimecostsof theproposedtreatment? I have been using this simple test since my early days of practice and enjoying every moment of my clinical practice without any mental stress andpost-treatmentprofessionalguilt. Moreover, I have found that the end- result of my case has always brought happiness to me and to my entire supporting team with high patient satisfaction.DuringallmyMiCDinter- national lectures, training, workshops andseminars,Ialwaysencouragemytraineesandaudi- ence to enhance the quality of their operator factors (knowledge, skills, honesty and humanity) because it is thepillarofsuccessfulMiCD.Itismypersonalbeliefthat, ifaclinicianadoptsahabitoftestinghisorhertreatment plan with the three-way test before proposing it to the patient, it can certainly help him or her to promote overallhappinessinhisorherpracticewithhighpatient satisfaction. Fig. 13b Fig. 12bFig. 12a Fig. 13a Fig. 11c Fig. 11b Fig. 11a CDE0115_06-12_Koirala 26.02.15 10:27 Seite 4 CDE0115_06-12_Koirala 26.02.1510:27 Seite 4

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