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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science International Edition

I 47 meetings _ review I cosmeticdentistry 1_2015 Oslo explained the principles of morphogenesis and the special role of intrinsic disorder proteins (IDPs). The possibilities of developing a method for systematic regeneration of the dental pulp in the idea of tissue engineering was impressively illustratedbyDrKerstinGallerfromtheUniversity of Regensburg. The chairman Prof. Ørstavik him- self demonstrated the basic principles and limi- tations in effective testing of dental materials. At the same time, he referred to the importance of clinical studies before using innovative mate- rialsintheclinicalfield.‘Understandingbiological processes must not mutate into an end in itself. Firstly it is important to define which objectives the investigations of new materials have and are then presented in the studies. At the end of the day,newtreatmentmethodsshouldalsoactuallyben- efitthepatientandbedeployedintelligently",Ørstavik strongly stressed. Konstantinos Simatos, who also travelled from Athens, offered creative enrichment. During the lunch break, all manner of percussion in- struments were handed out in the lecture hall and the dedicated Greek managed to persuade the con- gressparticipantstoworktogetherasanorchestrafor 40 minutes. A task that served for relaxation and evi- dentlysoundedlikefunforallinvolvedatthesametime. Dr Antonis Chaniotis had already complemented the insights from basic research with his experience from routine clinical work, and presented a series of long-term observations in the treatment of children intheregenerativepartoftheday'sprogramme.Inhis second contribution, he demonstrated why and how he came to use intelligent endodontic working aids, and how modular NiTi systems and endodontic aspirator tips significantly simplify obturation of a perfectly prepared canal for dentists today already. In the so-called ‘negative pressure technique’, fluid gutta-percha is transported in the temporarily sealed canal,evenintothesmallestlateralcanals,throughthe skilleduseofanaspiratortip.Mechanicalpreparation is still easiest with an almost unbreakable NiTi file. Taking the example of HyFlex CM and the new HyFlex EDM system, the endo expert demonstrated how high precision canal shaping can be achieved within ashorttime.AsquotedbyDrChaniotisonthecurrent progress in the industry: ‘Thankfully we don't have to wait for the future for high quality treatment and confident working! Nowhere is current technical de- velopmentadvancingsorapidlyasinendontology.’ The eventful day was rounded off by Dr Barbara Müller, Head of the COLTENE Endo Business Unit. She introduced the upcoming new products, such as GuttaFlow bioseal and the Hyflex EDM files and illus- tratedthattheirspecialmanufacturingprocessyielding anewgenerationofNiTifiles,wherebythereductionin the number of files used is not at the expense of the quality of the endodontic treatment. The contribution was impressively complemented by Dr Ginaluca Fumei and Dr Thomas Rieger, who both presented cases from theirpractices,whichweretreatedwithHyflexEDM. _Important impetus for material research The host COLTENE was entirely satisfied with the results of the symposium and the ideas put forward by the various opinion leaders. The innovation-driven companywillalsoconsiderthecountlesssuggestions and ideas from the seminar within its own develop- ment work. The close cooperation with dentists from aroundtheworldandleadinguniversitiesplaysacru- cial role in designing and shaping practical products. Thisistheonlywayofensuringthatcleverworkingaids and dental materials optimally support dentists in their day-to-day therapeutic practice. Today's visions from the dental specialists may then have already become common treatment in practice by the time of thenextKeyOpinionLeaderMeeting. The initial responses from the audience were also full of praise. For instance, Prof. Brian Millar from London and Dr Hagay Shemesh from the Netherlands emphasised the balanced mix between scientific and clinicalcontents.ParticipantssuchasDrMichaelLeski, Poland and Dr Sylvia Rahm, Germany, found the in- terdisciplinary presentations extremely enriching and alsoappreciatedtheperfectorganisationoftheevent._ Coltène/Whaledent GmbH + Co.KG Raiffeisenstr.30,89129 Langenau,Germany Tel.:+49 7345 805-0 Fax:+49 7345 805-201 / cosmeticdentistry _contact CDE0115_46-47_Coltene 26.02.15 10:53 Seite 2 Tel.:+497345805-0 Fax:+497345805-201 CDE0115_46-47_Coltene 26.02.1510:53 Seite 2

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