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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science International Edition

I case report _ impression of steeply angulated implants _In the present case report, a new method that allows impression taking of implants in- serted at a steep angle is presented. Theuseofimplantsfortherehabilitationofthe partially or fully edentulous patient has become a routine treatment modality. Improvements in the field of implant surgery and in implant pros- thetics allow for functionally and aesthetically satisfying treatment results in the vast majority of cases.1, 2 However, implants may have been placed at an incorrect angle or in excessive Fig. 1_The panoramic radiograph at the initial examination. Note the angulation of the implants and the proximity to the inferior alveolar nerve. Fig. 2_Simulated position of the impression posts. Fig. 3_Try-in of abutments with different angles. 36 I cosmeticdentistry 1_2015 Fig. 1 Impression of steeply angulated implants: Anew method Authors_Profs. Gregory-George Zafiropoulos & Oliver Hoffmann, Germany Fig. 2 Fig. 3 CDE0115_36-38_Zafiropoulus 26.02.15 10:38 Seite 1 CDE0115_36-38_Zafiropoulus 26.02.1510:38 Seite 1

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