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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science International Edition

18 I I special _ digital smile design most reliable position in which to photograph the patient’s face is that relative to the aesthetic plan (Fig. 3), that is the plane perpendicular (frontal) to the plane that runs at the centre of the angle formed betweentheFrankforthorizontalplaneandCamper’s plane. The same position must be projected ortho- gonally at 45 and 90 degrees (Figs. 4a–d) because photographsoftheprofileareofgreatimportancein the aesthetic dental and facial analysis of the profile inrelationtoocclusalclass,therelationshipbetween the lips, and aesthetic angles, according to studies in orthodontics, maxillofacial surgery and cosmetic plastic surgery. ADSD imports the measurements of the photo- graphed subject standardised and configured to the scale of values expressed in pixels, the ordinary unit of measurement of a digital photograph. In or- der to do this, it is possible to use technical drawing tools,suchassetsquaresandrulers(madeofmetalif possibleandthuseasilycleanedandcapableofbeing sterilised,orothersimilarmaterial).Ihavepersonally built a measuring tool called Face Analogic Transfer Support(Fig.5a),whichconsistsofarulerwithgrad- uated millimetre and centimetre scales, which the patient can wear like a pair of glasses. Furthermore, fornewphotographsforthefabricationofmock-ups and PMMA models etc., it is useful to use a device such as a craniostat fixed to the headrest, which is integratedintoourdentalchair.Ifmoreaccurateand detailed measurements of the teeth and gingival parametersarerequired,onecanusedigitalcallipers whose tips are placed at the cervical margin and incisal edge (the length of the tooth) or at the mesial and distal margins relative to the dental line (width of the tooth; Fig. 5b). These measurements when transmitted can be very effective in communication between the dentist and dental technician, whose manufacturing skills and expertise will be the most important to the end-result of this innovative method (Fig. 5c). It is necessary to bear in mind that the measurements expressed in millimetres in rela- tiontothedigitalimageproducedbythedigitalpro- cessing, as well as the design of the dental contours, are not of much interest to patients, who desire a photograph of the first phase simulation, but Figs. 11a & b_Digital Dental Design, outlines. Fig. 12_Personal database consisting of composite dentition or single teeth. cosmeticdentistry 1_2015 Fig. 12 Fig. 11a Fig. 11b CDE0115_14-22_Bini 26.02.15 10:28 Seite 5 CDE0115_14-22_Bini 26.02.1510:28 Seite 5

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