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cosmetic dentistry_ beauty & science International Edition

I 17 special _ digital smile design I cosmeticdentistry 1_2015 obtained from software such as face makers, will be mapped and processed. Thenextphaseindigitaldataprocessingisvirtual planning by means of digital image editing: wax-up, digital and analogue diagnosis, mock-up, and provi- sional and definitive restorations. The digital meth- odology used for photograph and image editing is very reliable, especially in communicating through images the ongoing clinical case to dental labora- tories concerning functional and morphological ad- justments,whichismadeeveneasierifaccompanied byexplanationsandverbalcomments.Compatibility with other digital systems is very important, for example being able to implement ADSD in digi- tal orthodontic simulations, digitalisation of casts, CAD/CAM, etc., thus adding to the methodology. _Acquisition and import of digital images Asstatedearlier,thefirstphaseofADSDentailsthe acquisitionandimportofphotographsofthepatient. If possible, these photographs should be taken with adigitalSLRcamerawithsemi-professionalfeatures and with a good illumination system (nowadays there are a number of basic dental photography courses and books available dealing with this fas- cinating subject). We must remember that in the analytical phase the photograph is a clinical and aesthetic diagnostic element that will form part of the patient’s clinical history, which can be consulted by other specialists to establish an interdisciplinary vision.Inviewofthis,thedentist/photographermust capture the photographs with the patient’s head in a position that can be replicated in the future to verify topography in relation to smile design. The Fig. 5c_Activation of analogue measurements with digital ruler. Fig. 6_Focal length and analysis of the aesthetic component. Fig. 7_Facial analysis. Fig. 8_Dental analysis. Fig. 9_Dento-labial analysis. Fig. 10_Gingival analysis. Fig. 9 Fig. 8 Fig. 10 CDE0115_14-22_Bini 26.02.15 10:28 Seite 4 CDE0115_14-22_Bini 26.02.1510:28 Seite 4

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