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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

adhesion of growth factors. Special processes have alsobeendevelopedformodifyingtheroughnessof titanium surfaces in the nanometre range, from classicalsandblastingviaplasmaspraytechnology, anodic oxidation or acid etching, right up to nan- otubes. The desired topographic configuration of theimplantsurfacesincreasestheBICvalueandthe adhesionofosteoblasts,fromwhichadvantagesare alsoderivedforosteointegration,suchasinthecase of immediate implantations. Also of great importance with respect to bone and soft tissue regeneration are modern bone re- placement materials, which are available to im- plantologists today in many forms. Here, the latest developments are bespoke CAD/CAM produced bone blocks based on 3-D X-ray data, which are precisely inserted and can increasetheprospectsofsuccesse.g.inthe case of augmentations or osteotrans- plantations. In Cologne, the results of these de- velopments are comprehensively presentedbyexpertsfromthedental industry—undoubtedly a domain of theIDS.Independentoftherespectiveimplantologi- calindication,economicplanningsystemsandmeth- ods for improving workflows are gaining in impor- tanceeverywhere.Here,animportanttrendre- lates to 3-D implant navigation sys- tems—current methods give the clinician the option to produce suitable templates them- selves using CT or DVT im- ages or to outsource these complexprocessestospe- cialist companies within the dental industry, be- cause modern software systems now permit 3-D planning without having DVT equipment on-site—an interest- ingalternative,especiallyforsmaller practices. The upcoming IDS also offers the implantologi- cally-orientated trade visitor the perfect opportu- nity to comprehensively inform themselves about all innovations in their dynamic specialist area—an advantage that only the International Dental Show canoffer,thankstoitsuniquesizeandconcentrated competence. Whatever their personal focus, all vis- itors to the IDS from 10 to 14 March 2015 will find the solutions that suit them best: to this end, nu- merous experts will be on site to provide advice. ThosethatareplanningtheirparticipationattheIDS in advance have the perfect opportunity to gain in- valuable stimuli and informa- tion for their own activities. “Implantologists have the unique opportunity to experience manufacturers and their products live at the IDS in Cologne. In this way, dentists and dental technicians can benefit directly from the professionalism of the dental industry, seek di- alogues with competent experts and take away knowledge that is really practically relevant”, says Dr Markus Heibach, Executive Director of VDDI. The IDS (International Dental Show) takes place in Cologne every two years and is organised by the GFDI,GesellschaftzurFörderungderDental-Indus- triembH,thecommercialenterpriseoftheAssocia- tion of German Dental Manufacturers (VDDI). It is staged by the Koelnmesse GmbH, Cologne. meetings I I 45implants1_2015 [PICTURES: ©KOELNMESSE]

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