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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

40 I implants1_2015 men, Germany), as well as classes with Prof. Egon Brinkmann (Oldenburg, Germany) or in the US with Prof.LeonardI.Linkow(NewYork)inperson.TheDGZI was established as a practitioner association in 1970 by Prof. Grafelmann, initially without the support of the university teachers. It was only later that univer- sities established the relevant associations. I have always believed that dental implantology would develop into a scientifically recognised dental discipline based on a large number of trial and error attempts.Thisvisionbecamerealityin1982whenim- plantology was formally recognised as an advanced field in dentistry by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde (German Associ- ationofOralandMaxillofacialDentistry)andtodayit is recognised formally as a dental discipline. _When did you become involved in the DGZI and whatmotivatedyoutojoin? IjoinedtheDGZIinJuly1992throughcontactwith an Aachen colleague Dr Stephan Hausknecht, who hadbroughttheideaofstudygroupsfromtheUS.He established a small study group with DGZI members intheColognearea.However,hethoughttheconcept shouldbeapplieddifferentlyinGermany,notbecom- mercially oriented as was the case in the US. The idea was to establish small teaching and learning groups that would meet every three months to discuss indi- vidual cases and present mini-lectures—still using slides at that time. Within the DGZI, a department for studygroupswasthenestablished.Ilaterdirectedthe groupstogetherwithDrHausknechtforseveralyears. I was then, in 1996, elected to become the First Vice- President and Treasurer of the DGZI after my prede- cessor, Bernhard Hölscher, stepped down. As the fi- nancial situation of the DGZI under my predecessor was stable, it was in my interest to continue my pre- decessor’s progress. _Internationally,implantologyisevolvingrapidly. To what extent are international contacts relevant in thisregard? Internationalcontactsareofgreatimportancefor us to broaden our knowledge. It is fascinating that in Europe different concepts have preference in differ- entplaces.Forexample,inFrance,implantswithatri- cortical design, shape and support are frequently used;however,theyareratherunpopularinGermany and other European countries. US and Japanese den- tists too largely approach therapy in different ways. Even the German conical crowns are unknown over- seas.Therefore,itisbeneficialfordentistsinGermany tolearnaboutnewdevelopmentsandideasoverseas, and for the DGZI to recruit new speakers. While there may be new techniques, sometimes people try to sell somethingasnewalthoughithasbeeninusealready. _How do you maintain foreign relations? Could you please name a few that are particularly valuable foryoupersonally? Fig. 1_DGZI meeting Dubai 2015. Fig. 2_GBOI exam – DGZI international annual congress 2007.

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