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implants - international magazine of oral implantology

I manufacturer news 34 I implants1_2015 With tioLogic® digital, Dentaurum Im- plants offers the complete solution for CAD/CAM processes on tioLogic® im- plants. The product range comprises all data and materials necessary for the fab- rication of customised one-piece abut- ments, hybrid abutments as well as bar and bridge restorations using CAD/CAM technology.Two types of scan bodies were specially designed to allow a precise digital capture of the geometry of all indications: scan abutments directly from the interface for customised one-piece abut- ments and hybrid abutments as well as scan caps for bar-borne restorations and bridgeworks, which are fixed onto the respective abutment. Manufacturing centres certified by the company can use the original tioLogic® CAD/CAM titanium blocs for the fabrication of customised one-piece abutments.Titanium bases are used to fabricate customised hybrid abutments. The zirconia ceramic mesostructures fabricated us- ing CAD/CAM technology are bonded to these bases. The geometry of the titanium bases was designed to ensure reliable, aesthetic bonding with the ceramic mesostructure. The respective scan caps for bridge and bar restora- tionsguaranteeapreciseanduser-friendlyscandata transfer for the digital creation directly on tioLogic® abutment series for bridges,bars andAngleFix. Dentaurum Implants GmbH Turnstr. 31 75228 Ispringen, Germany Dentaurum Implants Complete solution for CAD/CAM processes Schütz Dental’s IMPLA implant system has been used successfully for clinical applica- tion since 1963.IMPLA represents tested safety and quality-controlled products made in Germanyandofferedatfairprices.Eightdifferentimplantlinesandtwodifferentconnectiontypes(ConeCon- nection and Hex Connection) offer implantologists the right implant for nearly every indication. The cylindrical “allround implant” IMPLA Cylindrical Cone Connection is the new member of ourIMPLAfamily.Theself-tappingthreadsgiveimplantologistshighflexibilitywheninserting the implants and can, in some cases, decrease the complexity of the surgery.The good pri- mary stability supports a quick and safe osseointegration. Each of these implants features two synchronous threads, complementing the cylindrical shape up to the implant shoulder. By means of this feature,the insertion depth can be adjusted quickly in many cases.Another benefit of the implant line is the internal cone connection combined with an internal hex.This connection type minimises the microgap and, at the same time, provides a safe protection against rotation between implant and abutment,thus assisting the prevention of peri-implan- titis and bone loss. Schütz Dental GmbH Dieselstr. 5–6 61191 Rosbach, Germany Schütz Dental The IMPLA family has a new member booth: 10.1,E010 booth: 10.1,G010-H019 Manufacturer News A solution for performing osteotomies through im- pacted crestal access, Osteo Safe® is a pre-cali- brated automatic im- paction instrument that is connected to a micromotor. It can be used for all indications related to implant site prepara- tionandboneremodelinginthecontextofver- tical and lateral bone augmentation. Indica- tions for the instrument are: Sinus lift proce- dures through crestal access as well as bone compaction in order to obtain sufficient pri- mary stability for the placement of Anthogyr Axiom® REG or PX implants (low bone density in the upper jaw bone type III or IV according to LEKHOLM & ZARB Classification, 1985). The instrument offers greater patient comfort and safety.Due to its ergonomic and practicability, gripping with a single hand enables improved visibility during surgery.Reproducible and ac- curate, Osteo Safe® ensures controlled and regulatedmovementduringimpaction.Thein- strument is simple and quick in use for the placement of Axiom® REG/PX implants for all clinicians. ANTHOGYR SAS 2237, avenue André Lasquin 74700 Sallanches, France Anthogyr Performing osteotomy safely booth: 11.1, C040/ D049

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