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today AEEDC Dubai 2015

science & practice12 AEEDC Dubai 2015 A professor in the Division of Ad- vanced Prosthodontics at the Uni- versity of California, Los Angeles School of Dentistry in the US, Dr Takahiro Ogawa is one of the main advocates worldwide for photo-en- ergy-mediated activation of implant materials, a process also known as photo-functionalisation. He has been invited to speak at the 2015 UAE International Dental Confer- ence and Arab Dental Exhibition (AEEDC) in Dubai about the tech- niqueaspartoftheofficialcongress programme. today international had the opportunity to talk with him in advance about the benefits and prospects of this innovation. today international: Photo-func- tionalisation is achieved by ex- posing titanium surfaces to ultra- violet light. Would you describe this in more detail and the me- chanical or chemical processes that take place during the process? DrTakahiroOgawa:Photo-funct- ionalisation is a 12-minute condition- ing of dental implants in the device immediately prior to implant placement. The reason for this process is that titanium ages with time, and this particularly affects its abilitytointegratewithbone. The photo-energy activation de- vice boasts an optimised combina- tion of ultraviolet lights that effec- tivelyremovehydrocarbonfromthe implant surface, transforming the surfacefromhydrophobic(water-re- pelling) to hydrophilic (water- friendly). This change in properties, togetherwiththecleantitaniumsur- face, attracts more osteogenic cells. Photo-functionalised titanium sur- faces are electrostatically positive and further enhance cell attraction because cells are electro-negative. All this is intended to make os- seointegration of dental implants muchbetterandfaster. The aging process of implants de- gradeshydrophilicity.Canthefea- tures of an aged implant surface be fully restored by photo-func- tionalisation, and does the tech- nologyhaveanylimits? Not at all. A series of studies have indicated that photo-functionalisa- tion is effective on any implant sur- facetypetestedwhetheracid-etched, dual acid-etched, oxidised, sand- blasted, nano-featured or machined surfaces. Whilephoto-functionalisationcan restoreimplantpropertiestoadegree similartowhenitwasmanufactured, the revitalised implant surfaces de- grade time-dependently in the same way as those of regular implants. Therefore, dental implants undergo- ingtreatmentwiththedeviceneedto beplacedimmediately. Has the technique been tested in in vivo studies and, if so, what re- sultshaveyoufoundsofar? Accordingtoanumberofpreclini- cal studies, the strength of osseointe- gration can be increased three times by photo-functionalisation at the earlyhealingstage.Thebone-implant contact of photofunctionalised im- plantsreached98.2%,comparedwith 50–55%achievedwiththecontrolim- plants. Moreover, it has been found that photo-functionalisationincreasesthe quality of marginal bone formation, as well as improves the outcome of guided bone regeneration, when ap- plied to titanium mesh. Photo-func- tionalisationalsomakesimplantand abutmentsurfacesbacteriaphobic. Studiesindicatethattherearenot only short-term benefits of photo- functionalisation.Reliabilityandpre- dictability in function and aesthetics are expected to increase with time, providingclinicianswithanewstrat- egy for a better long-term prognosis for dental implants and reducing the riskofperi-implantitis. You say that photo-functionalisa- tioncouldbecomeastandardpro- cedure for dental implant ther- apy. When will that happen, in youropinion? DentistsinJapanhavebeenusing photo-functionalisation for approxi- mately three years. In Europe, pre- marketing of the device has recently started. I believe that other regions will catch up shortly and make this technology a global standard in im- plantdentistry. A number of projects are also un- derwayutilisingphoto-functionalisa- tion in the field of general bone engi- neering and orthopaedic implants andreconstruction. Thank you very much for the in- terview. Photo-functionalisation is effective on any implant surface type An interview withAEEDC Dubai presenter DrTakahiro Ogawa,US Dynamicsof10μlwateronnewandaged titanium surfaces: Fig. 1 : new titanium Fig. 2 : one-day-old Fig. 3 : one-week-old Fig. 4 : three-month-old As-received Photo-functionalised As-received Photo-functionalised AD

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