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Dental Tribune Chinese Edition

人物专访 7 次与北京大学口腔医学院的合作有什 么样的期待? Prof. Aaron Palmon:The goal for this collaboration is scientific and academic cooperation. Both Hebrew University and PKU are very good academic institutions. The collaboration includes researchers exchange and academic achievements shar- ing. I’m looking forward this collaboration can sparking new ideas and achieving great success in the future. Prof.Aaron Palmon:本次双方院校 的合作主要以科研及学术合作为主,以 色列希伯莱大学牙科学院和北京大学口 腔医学院都是各自国内领先的院校,我 相信,通过双方的学者互访,共同开展 合作研究项目,分享研究经验与成果, 必将为双方在学术领域带来更多新的思 路,取得更大的成就。 DTI:How is the development of dental laser technology in Israel? DTI:牙科激光技术目前在以色列 发展如何? Prof.Aaron Palmon:Israel is a very small country. But we are well known for the Hi-Technology. There are many bril- liant companies focusing on the field of laser product and research development. Actually laser is widely used ranging dentistry from many other fields. I firmly believe this collaboration will bring my Chinese colleagues many useful experience and technology. Prof.Aaron Palmon:以色列虽然是 一个非常小的国家,但我们科技创新能 力是走在世界前列的。在我们的国家, 有众多高新企业从事激光产品的制造及 研发,而激光技术也已经被广泛应用于 牙科及许多其他行业。我希望通过本次 合作,能让我们中国的牙科同行了解最 新的技术,积累更多有益的经验。 DTI::As we know, it is you and Mr. Ira Prigat who propose the first idea of multi center research in the laser field, for what reason you chose PKU to start with the collaboration project? DTI:据我们所知,在激光领域进 行多中心研究的想法是由Ira Prigat先生 和您最早提出的,是什么促使您选择在 两个院校之间开展这样的合作? Prof. Adam Stabholtz:Laser is one of the latest technologies in the world. It is applied more and more prevalent in dentistry. The Peking University School of Stomatology is very famous. We know that China is a country focusing on new technologies development.After the Israel and China sign the different agreements with technology, we thought that dentistry of dental medicine is also the proper field to do cooperation. The new technology can be introduced to Chinese daily life through this collaboration. It is our honor to cooperate with Peking University School of Stomatology --- one of the largest dental schools in the world. Prof. Adam Stabholtz:激光是目前 最前沿的科技之一,并且在牙科领域的 应用也越来越广泛。北京大学口腔医学 院是中国的牙科领导院校。我们知道中 国一直致力于发展高新技术,在中以两 国达成多项高科技方面的合作协议后, 我们觉得牙科应该也是一个适合两国合 作的领域,通过合作,我们可以把激光 这一最新技术引入到中国人民的日常生 活中。北京大学口腔医学院是世界上最 大的牙科学院之一,能够与他们一起合 作是我们的荣幸。 DTI:Which fields laser can be used in dentistry? What is the advantage? DTI:激光在牙科哪些领域可以应 用,它的优势是什么? Prof. Adam Stabholtz:Actually today we can find that the application of dental laser in any fields of the dentistry. You can do the things perfectly by laser which can’t be finished by traditional tools. It can be used in root-canal preparation; in the periodontal disease treatment; in the prosthodontic treatment of deciduous teeth; in the cutting of soft tissue. Therefore, laser is a very useful supplement for dentists; they can do a lot of things by laser today. We have a lot of ideas and researches which need to be applied to the practice.And this can be done only by the two institutions working together. Prof. Adam Stabholtz:事实上,激 光技术已经被广泛应用于当今牙科的各 个领域。今天,牙科医生甚至可以利用 激光完成过去传统工具所无法完成的工 作。激光技术被应用于根管预备,牙周 疾病的治疗,儿童牙科的治疗与修复, 软组织的切割,等等。激光渐渐已成为 牙科医生非常重要的治疗工具。然而, 如何将这一技术更有效地应用于临床, 取得更好的效果,我们还有许多研究 工作要做,而两大院校的合作,必将 推动牙科激光技术及临床应用的进一 步发展。 Prof. Adam Stabholz以色列希伯来大学牙科医 学院前任院长。目前,Adam Stabholz教授专 注于牙科激光的应用研究
