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Dental Tribune Middle East & African Edition Jan. 2015

28 Dental Tribune Middle East & Africa Edition | February 2015EVENTS A big scientific date. A historical event. An international agora. By Medicon A new, progressive, engag- ing and exclusive Con- gress, which represents the whole world of dentistry. This Congress will be open to debate with the big citizens au- dience on prevention topics and health care, especially the den- tal care, which aims at recom- mending practical solutions and at opening up new horizons for the general qualifications of all professionals for an efficient, precise and motivated assis- tance. The involvement of both the Ital- ian and the International press shows an unusual interest for all the issues related to the dentist- ry throughout the world. With great satisfaction the organiz- ers announce the exceptional participation of Scientific Asso- ciations, Universities, Hospitals, No-Profit Organizations that will allow not only a discussion, a comparison, a moment of expe- rience but also will broaden the horizons for an evolving, grow- ing and improving world. As President of ANDI Rome I must attribute this success to a great team work with the same purpose and to an incisive ef- ficiency which make me proud and very satisfied. The involve- ment of ANDI Lazio, ANDI Na- ples and ANDI Campania un- derlines and highlights a desire of unity, collaboration, foresight which will be able to positively affect the future work of eve- rybody in order to promote the “excellence” in the world of dentistry. On June 18-19-20, 2015 a big event on a scientific debate will be celebrated in Rome between the Mediterranean and Middle East countries, and we hope it will become the starting point for a collaboration for a better future for all of us. I wish you a great job and see you in Rome! Sabrina Santaniello President of Scientific Committee Gabriele Edoardo Pecora With great satisfaction we an- nounce the participation of nu- merous lecturers coming from many worldwide countries and the city of Rome will be a meet- ing point for networking and sharing, a new project which looks at the future of the dental world. In particular, in the “Interna- tional Multidisciplinary Pro- gram” every country joining the Congress will be represented by a speaker. A major knowledge is necessary, as well as a greater integration, a concrete sharing of cultural projects, of operational protocols and of stimulus for research. This Congress in Rome wants to represent the start time of a collaborative project involving the countries of Middle East and Mediterranean! Gabriele Edoardo Pecora President of the Congress Roberto Pistilli The large participation of Uni- versities , Hospitals and Profes- sional Freelancers has allowed the programming of a Congress that we cannot define that am- bitious. With the support of the most important Scientific Socie- ties, we will have a Prestigious Faculty with speakers of inter- national renown who, with your presence, will make this event the “Main Event 2015”. As President, I extend a warm invitation to participate for liv- ing all together an unforgettable experience. Roberto Pistilli Sede AtaHotel Villa Pamphili Via della Nocetta, 105 - 00164 Roma (a 10 minuti dal raccordo anulare) Tel. 06/6602 IScrIzIonI Per maggiori informazioni contattare la Segreteria Organizzativa: Medicon Italia Congressi Tel. 06/3233301 - E-mail: credItI ecM L’evento rientrerà nel Piano Formativo ECM 2015 dell’ANDI ROMA SERVIZI srl e sarà rivolto alle figure professionali di Medico chirurgo (Medicina Generale e odontoiatria) odontoiatra, Igienista dentale. Non verrà richiesto l’accreditamento ECM per l’intero convegno, ma ciascun Simposio verrà accreditato singolarmente. Per avere diritto ai crediti formativi ECM è obbligatorio: - frequentare il 100% delle ore formative - rispondere almeno al 75% delle domande del questionario di apprendimento ECM - riconsegnare al termine dell’evento in segreteria la modulistica debitamente compilata e firmata eSpoSIzIone tecnIco ScIentIfIca Nell’ambito del Convegno si terrà un esposizione di prodotti farmaceutici e diagnostici, apparecchiature elettro-medicali e pubblicazioni scientifiche. prenotazIonI alberghIere La Segreteria Organizzativa ha riservato un contingente di camere presso la Sede del Convegno. Per avere una proposta alberghiera prego rivolgersi a Medicon Italia Congressi ( Laura Pasquino ed Elisabetta Prudenzi) More information is available from the publusher Editorial Note

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