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cone beam – international magazine of cone beam dentistry

34 I I special _ aid project _Keeping the project going During another project-related trip in January 2013,ledbyDrCarolineKentschandDrAxelRoschker, about 650 patients received treatment. Once again, two assistants accompanied three doctors on the trip. It is a welcome development that, owing to the technically advanced equipment available, we were able to provide treatments for pain that did not nec- essarily involve tooth extraction. Numerous glued synthetic bridges were produced to close gaps be- tween front teeth. A great many cavities were filled in front teeth as part of treatment for tooth decay. Andseriouscasesoffluorosisweretreatedinorderto provideforamoreaestheticallypleasingappearance. Fluorosis is a wide-spread problem among the Tanzanian population. In the north, in the greater Arushametropolitanarea,upto90percentofinhab- itants suffer from serious cases of fluorosis. We also have been able to prevent tooth loss through root canal treatments. And we are able to preserve poste- rior teeth by putting in fillings. Using ultrasound equipmentandmobilelasers,weareabletocarryout comprehensive periodontal treatments. Korean-made digital X-ray machines by Dexcowin allow us to pro- duce razor-sharp images in just seconds on a laptop in any kind of situation. These devices are absolutely vitalinperformingsurgicalproceduresandrootcanal filling therapies. In September 2013 the project achieved another milestone in its development when the University of Sevilla asked us to use the project as part of its training programme for oral surgeons. In September we travelled together with Dr Axel Roschker and two Spanish oral surgeons, Dr Roberto Garrido and DrFranciscoAzcarate,toLakeManyara,Ngorongoro andSerengeti/Ololosokwan.JoiningusfromEngland was Dr Andrea Chan, who previously served for six years as a dentist with the British Navy. Though she wasonlyabletobewithusforjustoneweek,hervisit came off smoothly owing to the availability of daily flights between Arusha and Ololosokwan by small plane. Our multi-national team operated non-stop in every part of the Tanzanian mainland previously served.Theinternationalnatureofthegroupspurred the project on immensely. The interactions of the individual specialists, despite never having worked together before, came off like a charm. This ac- complished team of oral surgeons was even able to cone beam4_2014 CBE0414_30-36_Joergens 28.11.14 11:59 Seite 5 CBE0414_30-36_Joergens 28.11.1411:59 Seite 5

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