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cone beam – international magazine of cone beam dentistry

I 21 industry report _ bonebuilder technology I cone beam4_2014 the use of a digital backward planning concept (Figs.7–10,patientdataprovidedbyMasoudMemari, Budapest, Hungary). Starting with the design of a possible superconstruction, the approximate implant position may be mimicked and virtual im- plants inserted. If the implants are digitally planned bytheclinicaluser,thesedatacanbetransferredand the exact implant positions can be displayed in the 3-Dmodel.Theblockgraftissubsequentlydesigned to fit around the virtual implants, according to the final bone bed needed for stable implant insertion. _Individually designed in close cooperation between clinical user, CAD specialist, and tissue bank The complete planning process is a product of direct interaction between the clinical user, the CAD specialist, and the producing tissue bank. Bone blocksareindividuallydesignedtomeettherequire- ments for sufficient augmentation of the alveolar ridge in careful consideration of the soft tissue situ- ation of the patient, which can only be assessed by theattendingsurgeonhimself.Thefinal3-Dversion of the bone block is converted into a *.stl file and transferred to the botiss partner tissue bank C+TBA (Cells and Tissuebank Austria, Krems). The block is produced under cleanroom conditions in accor- dancewithpharmaceuticalstandards.The*.stlfileis importedintoaCNC-millingmachineinwhich,after a simulated test run (Figs. 11 & 12), the final graft is producedfromapartiallyprocessedallogenicblock. After packaging and final sterilisation, the maxgraft bonebuilder block is sent directly to the clinical user. In surgery, after it is brought into position, the maxgraft bonebuilder block is fixed with regular osteosynthesis screws. Residual gaps can be filled withboneregenerationmaterialandtheaugmenta- tionsiteiscoveredwithacollagenmembranebefore the wound is closed tension-free (Figs. 13–15). _Reduced surgery time, quick and uneventful wound healing The pronounced fitting accuracy of the bone builder block facilitates optimal revascularisation and graft incorporation. The operation time during block grafting is significantly reduced, thereby pro- moting quick and uneventful wound healing. It also allows the surgeon to focus on the management of the soft tissue, which is the actual key for success.4-6 Due to the significant reduction in operating time, costs and, most importantly, patient morbid- ity, the unique maxgraft bonebuilder technology paves the way for a patient-friendly, minimally in- vasive approach in alveolar ridge augmentation._ Editorial note: a complete list of references is available fromthepublisher. Fig. 17 Dr Yasmin Buchaeckert,Senior Product ManagerAllografts at botiss biomaterials. cone beam_about the author CBE0414_18-21_Buchaeckert 28.11.14 11:36 Seite 4 CBE0414_18-21_Buchaeckert 28.11.1411:36 Seite 4

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