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implants international magazine of oral implantology

I 49implants4_2014 In October, Neodent, the leading South American dental implant company, an- nouncedthatthesubsidiariesinSpainand Portugal will join forces on January 1, 2015, to serve customers as Instradent IberiaSL. The main objectives of the combination are to strengthen the Neodent brand in Iberia, to increase efficiencies between thecountriesandtheBrazilianheadquar- ters,and to deliver outstanding service to customers.Instradent Iberia will maintain itsSpanishofficeinMadridandwillopenanewoffice forPortugalinLagoasPark/PortoSalvo. Matthias Schupp, Executive Vice President Neodent, noted:“Neodentproductshavegrownconsiderablyin bothcountries.Bycombiningthetwosubsidiaries,we will become even stronger,strengthening our profes- sional back office and delivering first class service to customers.” DrSandroMatter,ExecutiveVicePresidentInstradent, stated: “In addition to offering outstanding product quality,Instradent’sgoalistomakelifeeasierforcus- tomers.” Althoughthetwoentitieswilloperateseparatelyforthe remainder of this year,Mr Jorge Herrera,Neodent Di- rector in Spain,will also lead the Sales and Marketing activitiesforPortugalfromOctober1,2014. Neodent Spain and Neodent Portugal Join forces as Instradent In in-vitro experiments, researchers at TokyoMedicalandDentalUniversityandthe NationalInstituteofAdvancedIndustrialScience andTechnologyinJapantestedtheeffectiveness of NBW3 against Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomi- tans.Theyfoundthatthelevelsofbothbacte- riadroppedtobelowthelowerlimitofdetection afteronly30secondsofexposure.Inad- dition, they observed that NBW3 had no significant impact on human oral tissue. Conventional antibiotic therapies for treating peri- odontitisholdtheriskofseveralside-effects,suchas thedevelopmentofbacterialresistanceandadverse host reactions. However, NBW3 is produced from ozone, which has strong antimicrobial activity against bacteria, fungi and viruses, and thus does not induce antimicrobial resistance. Ozonated water usually retains its po- tencyforonlyashortperiod,butNBW3,whichthere- searchersproduced,usingapatentedtechnique,re- tains its oxidation ability for more than six months. This stability allows for the bottling and use of NBW3 as a disinfectant.Although the results of the present study are promising,these in vitro models cannot be directly translated into clinical situations,in which NBW3’s potency may be reduced by dental patients’ saliva. Therefore, further re- search is needed. Japanese researchers discover New antiseptic agent to fight periodontitis DENTSPLYImplantsexpandsintonewmarketsandre- centlyopenedthefirstofficeinBeijing,China,amarket where ANKYLOS and XiVE implant lines have been presentandsuccessfulsince1998.Inconjunctionwith theopening,theASTRATECHImplantSystemwasin- troducedtotheChinesemarket. From the perspectives of dentists per capita and den- tal implant penetration,China’s dental industry is still relativelyimmature.Butwiththegrowingdentalmar- ket size, especially the surge of high-end businesses suchasdentalimplants,coupledwiththeconsumption upgrading and the increasing awareness over dental health,China'sdentalindustryisprojectedtomaintain rapidgrowth. “We are looking forward to this exciting development andpotentialgrowthintheverydynamicChinesemar- ket,”saysLarsHenrikson,GroupPresidentDENTSPLY Implants. However,ChinaisnottheonlymarketinAsiawherethe companyexpandsitsbusiness.“Wearealsopreparing for the expansion ofATLANTIS abutments into several new markets,something I know many customers are waitingfor.OneofthosenewmarketsisJapan,where ourabutmentswillbelaunchedlaterthisyear,”contin- uesLarsHenrikson. DENTSPLY Implants Expands into new markets [PICTURE: ©BRUES] [PICTURE: ©FENG YU] [PICTURE: ©MANGSAAB]

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