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implants international magazine of oral implantology

Fig. 6_(middle, from left) Dr Kobayashi, Dr Moriyama and Dr Klencke were awarded for completing the DGZI educational programme “Specialist Implantology”. Fig. 7 _Prof. (CAI) Dr Roland Hille meets with Claudia Lindemann from the congress main sponsor OT medical. Fig. 8 _Practical training during the congress workshops. Breisgau, joined the DGZI board as the first non- dentist two years ago. An eloquent sign of this co- operation is the “Curriculum implant prostheses” that the DGZI carries out with the Fundamental GmbHanditsmakerKlausOsten.Thus,thisinterface is an essential part of each congress in the form of the “Main Podium Special—Prostheses”. Under the lead of Chairmen Prof. Dr Guido Heydecke (Ham- burg)undPDDrFriedhelmHeinemann(formerDGZI president), six top-class presentations were given. Master dental technician Joachim Maier pre- sented the controversial topic “Full ceramics on im- plants” and demonstrated the reason for complica- tions that often occur with this new material— which is wrong in his point of view. Joachim Maier ratherpointedoutthatallformsoffull-ceramicsu- per structures have proven to be effective—in case one knows the materials limitation and is able to controlitsmachining.Indeed,consequentselection criteria, a good diagnosis and a close cooperation between dental technician and dentist are needed. Given these criteria, “zirconium oxide is working over many years!”, Maier stated. Dr Kay Vietor followedthisstatementseamlesslywithhispresen- tation on “monolithic implant restorations with zirconium abutments”. The ITI fellow could draw a positive summary after seven years of practical ex- perience. Theprostheticaspectwasalsopresentinthesci- entificprogrammeonSaturday.Hereby,thepresen- tation by Dr Julia Wittneben (Switzerland) is worth mentioning. In her lecture, Dr Wittneben spoke about her decision-making on the question “screwed or cemented super construction”. In the last years, cemented crowns and bridges placed on implants dominated the fixed implant prostheses. Criticalvoicesonthistopichavebeenraisedregard- ingtherisksofaperi-implantitiscausedbyremain- ing cements (“cementitis”). During her lecture, Dr Wittneben could convincingly demonstrate the legitimacy of both procedures. Prof. Florian Beurer, who is teaching at the uni- versity in Munich, spoke about a prosthetic topic, too: Aesthetics on implants. Normally, this issue is assigned to a good planning and surgery. Prof. Beurer pointed out a new aspect which is the influ- enceoftheusedmaterials.Inusingrelativenewop- tions that offer current materials as zirconium ox- ide on super constructions and mesial structures, dentalrestorationscanbecarriedoutwhichseemed inconceivable a few years ago. _International exchange and networking In addition to the focus on established practices, the international networking belongs to one cor- nerstone of the DGZI’s philosophy. For many years now, close relationships exist to friendly associated societies in North America, Japan and the Arabian area. Colleagues from abroad are always present at the DGZI congresses and actively participate in the scientificprogramme.Withthis,anothertradition— the “International Podium”—is established, which is an inherent part of the annual congresses. The first speaker at this years International Podium was Prof. Dr Rolf Vollmer, vice-president andtreasureroftheDGZI,whoisresponsibleforthe societys successful “foreign policy”. In his presenta- tion,Prof.DrVollmerspokeaboutthenewhigh-per- formanceplasticPEEKthatcanbeusedformanyin- dications in the area of implantology. “The potency 42 I implants4_2014

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