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implants international magazine of oral implantology

Fig. 2_Marc Gadola, CEO Straumann, opened the Straumann Symposium as part of the EAO congress. Fig.3_Werner Groll, Group Vice President DENTSPLY Implants. Fig. 4_Dr Bjarni E. Pjetursson, scientific head. Fig. 5_Richard T. Laube, CEO Nobel Biocare, and Melker Nilsson, also Nobel Biocare. candidates were also awarded the EAO’s Certificate in Implant-based Therapy. This is the only Europe-wide standardisedassessmentofskillsandexpertisewithin the field of implant-based therapy. Before being awarded their certificate, each candidate submitted sixclinicalcases,andthensatamultiplechoiceexam- ination,aswellasbeinginterviewedabouttheircases. Certificates were awarded to Kamil Khabiev, Algirdas PuisysandGangChen. _Dinner at the Vatican The social highlight was the EAO members’ dinner at the Vatican. 300 people experienced an exclusive private tour of the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapelbeforesittingdowntoafour-coursemealsur- roundedbyancientGreekandRomansculptures.De- mand was so high that the EAO organised an addi- tional private tour for a further 300 people who were unabletoattendthedinner. _Upcoming congress The next scientific meeting will be held from 24 to 26 September 2015 at Stockholmsmässan, the Stock- holmInternationalFairsandCongressCentreinSwe- den, and will celebrate the 50th anniversary of dental implant treatment. The programme in Stockholm will reflecttheprogresstheEAOhasmadeoverthelast50 years, as well as focus on current and emerging tech- niques.Thesessionswilleducateparticipantsonvari- ous aspects of implant dentistry, including tissue re- generation, challenges of implant treatment for eld- erlypatients,digitaltechnologies,peri-implantitisand othercomplicationswithdentalimplants. “There is a strong emphasis on practical clinical messages that dentists can use in their daily practice. We hope that this combination of historical perspec- tive and cutting-edge techniques will ensure there is somethingofrelevanceforeveryone,”saidpresident- elect Prof. Björn Klinge, who invited all of the partici- pantstohishometownofStockholmduringtheclos- ingceremonyonSaturdayafternoon. Abstracts for the upcoming congress can be sub- mittedfromDecember2014until1April2015._ I 39implants4_2014 Dentalimplantsreplacetherootofamissingnaturaltooth, providing a secure foundation for a crown,bridge or other dental prosthesis.They are scientifically proven to be a re- liable long-term treatment option for many patients. The EuropeanAssociation for Osseointegration (EAO) was foundedintheearly1990sanditsaimisto‘Bridgethegap between science and clinical practice’. It brings together researchers, scientists and dentists to discuss best prac- tice in implant dentistry based on an evaluation of the sci- entific evidence. | _background implants Fig. 2 Fig. 4 Fig. 3 Fig. 5

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