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implants international magazine of oral implantology

I interview Fig. 1_Before treatment: the patient with a discoloured central incisor. _Already before Chicago, selected dentists were given the opportunity to try out TRIOS® in their own clinics.However,DrSimonKoldoftheHerningImplant Center went even further. Challenged by a difficult toothdiscolourationcase,hesawauniqueopportunity togaugetheshademeasurementagainsttheconven- tional method. In the following interview, Dr Simon Koldspokeabouthisevaluationprocedureandthere- sults. _How did you evaluate the Shade Measurement fea- ture? Quite coincidentally, at about the same time I was asked to try out the new feature, I was met with a per- fect case that was quite demanding in terms of get- tingtheshadesright.Ayoungmalepatient,withoth- erwise perfect teeth, had a noticeably discoloured central incisor that he wished replaced. The fact that the case involved a solitary tooth, and it was at the front, put extra stress on achieving perfect shade matchingtotheexistingteeth—soitwasjustthekind of case I needed to test the digital shade measure- mentmethodthroughaharshtrialsituation. _Tellusabouttheactualtest. The beauty of the test lays in its simplicity. Basi- cally, I worked with my lab to create two new crowns forthesametreatment,andthencomparedhoweach one looked in the patient’s mouth. One crown was created using the traditional method I always used before—i.e. by matching the shades manually and sending the found shade values plus patient photos tothelab.Theothercrownwascreatedusingthedig- italShadeMeasurementandHDPhotos. _Whatwereyourexperienceswithusingthesefunc- tionalities? Shademeasurementcouldn’tbeeasier,becauseit happens automatically while I am scanning. All the shadesarestoredintheimpression,andIcandisplay the shade values in the most significant tooth areas whichIselect.Thephotofeatureisequallyeasytouse. Just position the scanner tip and snap the picture. In this case, I performed a pre-preparation scan and tookanarrayofthefeaturetoshowaestheticdetails. Afterpreparingthetooth,Ionlyneededtorescanover the prep area, because TRIOS® automatically merges new scans with the previous pre-preparation scan, savingmeloadsoftime.Atthisstage,Itookadditional imagestogetaclearpictureofthemarginlinearea. “Taking the advantages of digital dentistry to a new level” Source_3Shape 34 I implants4_2014 3Shape’s latest release of the TRIOS® digital im- pression solution was presented in Chicago Mid- winter, where especially the new Shade Measure- ment and HD Photo features created a stir among dental professionals. The dentist Dr Simon Kold evaluated the new features. Fig. 1

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